Our society is more willing to give you tough love then encouraging support. It is amazing at how a friend or family member can tell you how stupid or crazy an idea is faster than they can give you words of encouragement. Take for instance my wanting to take notes on conversations about love. I have already told the people I know on Facebook of all things, that I intend on doing just that taking notes of conversations. Out of all the posts on that status, only one had a glimmer of support, the others were all ridiculing me about how crazy, or creepy that was. Is it really crazy to want to take notes on what is going on around us? Is that being too personal? I also posted a survey about love, and interesting enough, only two responses and both I know were not from friends or family, but strangers. Only one friend or family member even inquired about the survey and felt they couldn’t give their opinion because they couldn’t truly define love. I even have relatives who believe my thought process is backwards, that I have the issue and society is correct. Their reasoning is because more people have thought I was crazy, than have actually taken my survey. But do numbers of responses to one thing or another constitute what is acceptable to society standards? That makes me wonder about the ultimate test of society as a mass being correct, if everyone jumped off a bridge, would you? If society doing things by the mass is the correct way to do things, then you must not be a vital part of society if you decided to not jump.
That brings me to another point. What constitutes the right and wrong way to view society? We do things because others do them, but does that make it right? I believe that goes back to the selfish, me, me, and me society that we live in. If something is determined to be bad, all we need to do is blame it on following someone else. Well, I did it because they did it. But, that goes back to not taking responsibility. Not enough people take credit for their actions, and don’t hold themselves as accountable as they should. The reason I implied that they do hold themselves somewhat accountable, is because when something goes in their favor, they will make sure that people know it was them. Take for instance a team works on a project together, say the team succeeds and the project is a success, each team member will want to make sure that they all were a part of that success. But, say that same team fails, how many of those team members would step up and take credit for the failure. I would guess not many; you would probably find more pointing fingers or at least thinking to themselves who is to blame.