Have you ever noticed that depression makes you more aware of the depressing things around you? Shit, when I'm feeling at the top of my game I hardly notice all the little nit picky things that seem to be behind every door when I'm down. I guess depression is like a mental hunger that needs to be fed with appropriate fuel to sustain itself. When...
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I am so glad you enjoyed the new Alexsandria Shoot. Check out my journal for behind the scenes.
The wifey and I went to see She Wants Revenge last night, at Roseland. They were really tight and really good. The crowd gave them an overwhelmingly positive response and they responded in kind. Their sound was crisp and the drummer drove them like a Mack truck. They said it was the best time they'd had in a long time. I think I believe them....
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I'm thinking it might be time to move on. I've never been able to find my identity here. My humor usually falls flat. My sexual comments get misunderstood. My enthusiasms seem suspect. Besides, the new layout hurts my eyes and lacks friendly accessibility and operation.
But then, like most other things around here, I'm probably just missing the point, joke, or boat.
I'll leave presents...
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But then, like most other things around here, I'm probably just missing the point, joke, or boat.
I'll leave presents...
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We been sick around here. It was so bad I thought it was food poisoning -- but then wifey got it and she didn't share any of my food.
Lots of talking to Ralph and driving the big white bus.
After a couple days I had bedhead so bad that it looked like somebody was hiding dead cats in my hair.
Lots of talking to Ralph and driving the big white bus.
After a couple days I had bedhead so bad that it looked like somebody was hiding dead cats in my hair.
I did feel quite heroic in all those inflatables - I damn nearly passed out! Those stage lights are hot as hell.
hahahaha thats a good idear

My neighbor came over today and finished mowing my front lawn. I'd started, but had to stop because it rained for a couple of days -- in Portland? Go figure -- he was pretending to be nice and helpful, but he tipped his hand when he mentioned noticing that the dandelions had gotten out of control. "This way," he said as he mowed, "I can...
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George Bush is such a doo-doo head.
I've decided I need discipline in my life. Lots of it, too.
Unfortunately, I'm not talking about the fun, spanky, pinchy kind of discipline. I mean the diet, exercise and sobriety kind of discipline.
Damn. THAT'S no fun at all.
Still, I wouldn't mind a little abuse -- just for giggles.
Unfortunately, I'm not talking about the fun, spanky, pinchy kind of discipline. I mean the diet, exercise and sobriety kind of discipline.
Damn. THAT'S no fun at all.
Still, I wouldn't mind a little abuse -- just for giggles.
Discipline is always a good idea. I need lots of it, thus my sadistic hubby!
The shoes are great, but they stained my soles red!
Thanks for the good wishes.
The shoes are great, but they stained my soles red!
Thanks for the good wishes.
I never act as stupid as I do when I'm enthusiastic about something or someone. Usually I am rather careful about what comes out of my mouth, but dangle one of my obsessions in front of me and I become a blithering retard.
Maybe my only protection is to stop talking to anybody altogether. At least then I'll seem like I have an sense of...
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Maybe my only protection is to stop talking to anybody altogether. At least then I'll seem like I have an sense of...
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Thanks for your comment on my set
I'm sorry you had a shitty Monday.

I'm sorry you had a shitty Monday.
Haha, I don't know about a groupie, but thank you.
Remember, you can never truthfully say, "I'm standing right over there."
Because of the huge number of comments on my latest set... You are receiving this comment late and it is the same comment that I am leaving everyone else as well. I usually try to thank everyone individually and much more personal like, but I would just never in a million years have the time to do that this time. So, I just want you to know that I appreciate that you took the time to comment on my new set. It was very wonderful of you, and I'm sorry that my return comment is so impersonal. However, if you want to stop by my page and say hello sometime, leave me an email, whatnot I'd love to chat. I am nice to everyone that is nice to me.
So, thank you very very much for your nice comment on my set! It is appreciated.
So, thank you very very much for your nice comment on my set! It is appreciated.

Thanks for the kind words. There isn't much of a fight to be had with my mom, just managing the pain until it's time to go. It's pretty lame. I'm so sorry your mom is going through something similar.
And while I'd rather be a star for the latex I make than for what I wear, thank you for the compliment.
I'll try to put up some pictures soon - I have more new stuff than I know what to do with!
And while I'd rather be a star for the latex I make than for what I wear, thank you for the compliment.

Spam is natures way of telling you that you are too poor to buy baloney.
In bed?