My neighbor came over today and finished mowing my front lawn. I'd started, but had to stop because it rained for a couple of days -- in Portland? Go figure -- he was pretending to be nice and helpful, but he tipped his hand when he mentioned noticing that the dandelions had gotten out of control. "This way," he said as he mowed, "I can keep 'em from spreading to my front yard."
I smiled, said thanks, and gave him a beer. I didn't mind having somebody else sweat over the grass. Better than me, for sure. But I never fell for his story for a minute -- he was just scared I'd never finish mowing. Ha. Silly man.
Meanwhile, it was kinda like having my own gardener. Yes!
I smiled, said thanks, and gave him a beer. I didn't mind having somebody else sweat over the grass. Better than me, for sure. But I never fell for his story for a minute -- he was just scared I'd never finish mowing. Ha. Silly man.
Meanwhile, it was kinda like having my own gardener. Yes!