The last time I wrote here was almost two years ago. At that time I had gotten a free 3 month renewal and spent that time occasionally wandering around the mammoth SG babe warehouse, though I didn't connect with what I saw with enough enthusiasm to hang around after the 90 days was up. I did enjoy my stay, though.
I still love tattooed and...
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I still love tattooed and...
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I've been gone off this site for almost two years and now some anonymous somebody has supposedly bought me a three month renewal membership. Who the fuck would do that? Sadly, I never managed to make many friends here and am at a loss as to who it might have been. I suspect Missy -- or the company, more properly -- issued the renewal to...
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Goodbye Suicide Girls. Thanks for all the years of entertainment and pussy. I'll miss my daily fix.
Later dude.
We've been having cold, clear nights here in Portland. No rain for more than a week and the most beautiful nighttime skies I've ever seen. Yesterday was the full moon and the crisp and clean air let the light blast down on us, casting hard nighttime shadows across the back yard and up the side of the garage. Venus has been twinkling like a xmas...
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Wifey and I just got back from a week in California. We had a four day reunion of five couples who had come together to attend a wedding. It was ten exhausting hours from Portland to the Bay Area and then another seven hours down to Long Beach, where we ate, drank, smoked, slept, hot tubbed, played pool, and listened to loud music for four...
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I am confuzzled.
I am confuzzled.
Thanks for commenting my newest set!
Hey, y'all. Go over and give Petbot some goddamn love. She's officially a fuckin' Rubber Goddess.
Thank you!!!

I dreamed I spanked my favorite SG last night. I so rarely dream about specific people and it so surprised me that I woke up before it went any further. DAMN.
Hint of the Day: The peanuts had been in the plastic container all along.
Thank You for the comment on my set!...hmm I am looking for a new location for my next set

Well, it took weeks for my back to get better. Or mostly better. The doctor switched pain meds and that helped a little. Then he finally said I should go get my spine cracked by a Chiropractor, but I can't afford it. So I've just sort of let it get betterish by itself. There's still occasional flashes of numbness and discomfort, but at least now...
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lifes a bitch, then it has puppies
and eats them
that was by far the funniest comment i think anyone has everr left me on a set. thank you
and eats them
that was by far the funniest comment i think anyone has everr left me on a set. thank you

Hey, today is my birthday. Unfortunately, my back is so fucked up it took me ten minutes to get outta bed this morning. Wotta bitch. Oh well, time to go take a Vicodin. Cheers.
thank you for commenting on my set. the padded cell was home made me and sawa built it from scratch and i payed $30 to repair the ballet boots so you can expect to see more of them. much love doll.