A Toast to the New Year
Hi naked ladies and gents!
Well shit...
2010 went by really really fast, eh?!
I was organizing my photos [trying to figure out this high-tech external hard-drive stuff]...
When I realized...
I did a lot of shit in 2010!
This is the blog that says it all
[Hope the internet connection stays long enough for my brain to un-jumble this goodness]
I will go in order of month:
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I spent New Years eve [and the holidays] without my long-time girlfriend for the first time...
But, things were getting pretty crappy in Orange County, living with her and all this being broke nonsene
I ended up celebrating with this cute mess, Kaytie

Turns out, Kaytie lived in Los Angeles [I was in OC at this time remembers?] ...
The wheels started turning and I thought, cheap rent= if things don't work out with gf (Toni), I have a fall-back plan... thus leaving me NOT homeless! *win*
Things with my [ex]girlfriend were getting rocky... I was preparing for the breakup... ...
Augenblicke shot a multi with
Toribell and myself...
AHEM can we please put this up now! ....he's lagging like whoa

End of January...
I broke up with Toni
This was her... and us

This was really crappy and hard, because we worked together AND lived together...
The lease wasn't up until March
I gogo danced at the BatCave in Los Angeles
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I live with Kaytie, officially.
And I have to say it's pretty fun!
We share clothes... and get along swimmingly...
I still work in Orange County and it's draining to say the least
Thank you so much
Zoetica for working your magic

Doctor comes to visit!!!

Zoeticashoots her new set, which was A-MAZING
And we have fun times...
Augenblicke shoots a would-be multi of us and we got some great shots!

I <3 her and really want to visit the girls on Ohio
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I got to see
Milloux... and lots more fun peeps!

We went to crash roller disco after and saw
Silver_Jimmy and his lovely wife, Emily

I helped out with
Moxi's SG video shoot, where I tattooed her in the documentary
Also, we took some photos too : )

Living with Kaytie is getting really trying...
We tried to figure out what to do and how to make money, so we put our coked out minds together and decided to do webcam...

My dad and brothers come to visit!

Ew, I didn't even realize how thin I was when we were doing so much blow and drinking coffee

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I decided to move out of the tiny apartment with krayzee Kaytie
I ended up moving to west LA, with
Milloux's best friend, Patty!
I also broke up with this dude I was dating
He was lame, but it was a huge bummer because he was a good friend of mine
Stupid of him to be such an asshole... I never did finish his chest piece...

And that girl is Lindsey, she and I finally had a falling out..
Some people are just too drunk/mean when they're drunk to hang with

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Magne moves out

But I tattooed her before she left!

My new roomie, Danny moves in from Texas...
Meanwhile I'm working in Hollywood and have two new tattoos!

Then I was attacked by mutant fleas, scratching those stupid bites.. and ended up getting a gnarly infection
Warning, really graphic
It left horrible scars on my legs...

Los Angeles is so dirty.. I mean I really love this city but good lord...
Turns out MRCA and other forms of staph and strep are becoming an epidemic here, so everyone be sure to wash your hands and don't pick your nose! [that's where the bacteria colonizes]
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Working on Hollywood Blvd. for 12 hours a day, 5 days a week was beginning to take it's toll on me.
The shop was dirty, I kept getting sick, and the politics were getting fucked up... no money+long days= angry Boomie
I ended up quitting the day before Halloween
The day I quit, Taylor Swift played a song on Hollywood blvd, no joke..
The street was closed off, there were people camped out, we got no business ALL for a 2 minute song...
By Taylor Swift...
I was annoyed
While working at that shop
I also saw Justin Timberlake, Jimmy Kimmel, Nelly, and other bands playing at Jimmy Kimmel
I got lots of free merch like Pringles and V8 Juice, I also got sick, and yelled at by homeless people
Also saw
Missy walking around too, I was so close to SG headquarters I'm just such a space cadet I never saw it!
It was an experience
I made lots of awesome friends and even got to hang with Ms.
I got a bike finally....
For Halloween I dressed like a princess, ate ecstasy and rode my bike with my roomie to an after hours and danced until the sun came up...
The next day my bike was stolen
I also got this tattoo
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I go to Oceanside and make a good chunk of change, between that and my clients here I was able to go home for Thanksgiving
I gogo danced with Ms.
Milloux and
So so so fun

I also did a couple photo shoots, one for

It was nice seeing my mom for the Holiday, and I started to plan moving back to Reno to finish school
I also tattooed her! She got two moles on her face... what a rebel

I also had
Leandra's birthday at my pad where LOTS of girls and a few members came!
It was a great success
Lots of people came, SGs like
Tristyn..... there were several members there too including Lonnie and Ryan, Eric [Octegon], and a few of the girls' boy toys

We played Twister

and finally........ . . . .
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I got to participate in a video shoot for some VJ Battle...
Georgia and I got our makeups did and had to pretty much split into two pairs and yell at each other...
We drank 40 oz Mickeys and had a blast

I got to go home (Reno) for 2 weeks and it was a blast
I tattooed, and screwed, got tattooed and drank too much Whiskey
For Christmas I drew here this: a portrait of her dad, my late grandpa, Billy Boy
R.I.P. love you
My mom cried, in a good way it was very touching
I tattooed my brothers and my newest friend, Nikki

New years was spent with my mom, two brothers and all our dates... we saw a comedy show them proceeded to get hammered...
I also tattooed my little brother:

And also, my big brother

And that was my 2010
And this is my kitty blog

If you have made it this far your reward is...
That blog took literally 3 days to write!
My new years resolution was to stop smoking cigs...
And no more coffee
So far Im doing great and feel gooood
Love you guys