Warm sun and no fun
I was browsing online, and I discovered this photographer who does something called "milk photography
His [or her] website is this: http://www.crazyleafdesign.com/blog/milk-photography/
Set ideas anyone?
Also a cool site..
Hey giant tacky snake...
You look so fine
Wanna make out...
I love snakes
Let's chat about all the things my ex girlfriend who I work with likes to say to me...
"You look like a money hungry bitch"
"When did you become such a heartless bitch"
"I don't understand how we can be together for 2 years and you can just shut off ur feelings like this"
"...Leads me to believe you're a coniving bitch"
"I'm only a bitch because you are..."
"Can I propose a proposition? *crickets* Nadine... *crickets* Nadine...
When I get back in 2 weeks can we be friends"
...guess I'm a bitch!
In my response (which I didn't give to her since she's just insulting me and looking for some sort of gratification)...
I haven't had feelings for you for a long time
The ultimate shut down of them has been happening over the course of at least 6 months
I don't want to be friends with a spiteful emotional puddle
Leave. me. alone.
And then you know "Why Can't We Be Friends" comes on the stereo right after all this shit
And now she's following me around staring at me and shaking her head!
Now she hopes I get a disease in my vagina...
kay I'm sorry that one was just funny
<------------ Cock
Whoa and also a cock
And again...
This cock is just right
If I was a flower...
Can't wait to see my candy tonight
Goodnight SG
Oh, and thank you kindly for the blog comment.