why are people so fake?? really, you only get one shot at this life as far as i know, so why be a dick about it?? why do i say this?? because i am on a online dating site in australia and i have had some success and a lot of unsuccess (not a word i know!!). But my issue is not that your not attracted to me or i'm not your type or whatever, it's the actualy spending time to get to know me a little bit then, before we even meet give me some lame ass bullshit excuse?? YOU HAVEN'T EVEN MET ME, how would you know if you like me or not.if we meet and your not attracted or we don't click or whatever, then FINE. BUT don't give me shit like oh my life is too busy atm to try any kind of relationship with anyone, then when i log on again, oh so your online looking for someone.....pfft and then you wonder why i call you fake in a text?? geeze let me think. I have no problem with someone saying to me hey im just nto attracted to you, atleast thats honesty but no girl i have ever met has done this, ever. I know god didn't bless with the looks of a brad pitt or george clooney (just examples) so just say what you feel, i don't want to waste my time either! END RANT
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