Boston area members: B+D Ball this coming friday. I know, it sucks to smoke outside but is anyone going?
lots of SG Boston members are going. quiescence, gasmaskboy, pip, popetom, blondie, and myself (i'm in it), just to name a few! biggrin
Can anybody help me? I want to get my sons name tattooed on my right tricep in graffitti. "Jason Jr." written vertical about ten inches in height and four inches wide. I just got a spray paint can on my bicep so my sons name can look as if it's being sprayed down my arm. Any help would be awesome. I'm not very good at...
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saw yor calendar addage for the B&D Ball at Manray! i'mma be in the main act biggrin hope to see you there!
People say I have a drinking problem. I drink, I get drunk, where is the problem? Direct quote from my best friend Menes. smile
How many of you miss Faith? She rocks, I reserve the one missing favorite SG girl slot for her.
I just got home from Manray. I'm eating eggplant parm right now. I love Manray except for the no smoking ban. Each time I go there I meet new people. That place kicks ass. Take care.
Well now, yesterday was St. Patricks Day, what did everyone do? I went to my usual bar for a couple beers with my best friend. Why do some women suck? This girl Michelle showed up with her boyfriend I think. About a year ago I met this girl and she was all about me for a while. I fixed one of her tattoos for her...
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I just got one of my tats finished yesterday. Yeah!! An evil spray paint can on my right arm. Almost elbow to shoulder, starts about two inches up from my elbow and goes to the top of my shoulder. I'll post a pic of it soon.
Is anybody going to Manray on the 19th of march? I'm going and it'd be cool to meet some...
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Manray not likely. I hate smoking outside, but possible Hell in Providence? Nice pic, would love to see your ink.

I didn't find trouble tonight but there is always tonight and definitely Sunday at Steak and BJ Day love
Another great weekend is coming to a close. You will find a pattern with my weekends, they all rock. I spend weekends with my son so they're always fun. One of the cool chicks I met friday night at Manray actually emailed me last night. I didn't think she would but much to my surprise, she did. Oh my god she is fucken' gorgeous. She...
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Just got home from Manray in Cambridge. What a night, Miss Goth Mass was such a blast. I met about six really cool chicks and there was even a couple of really cute guys there tonight too. Manray rocks the house. Goodnight all.
i left texas about 2 months ago. because i wasnt really getting anything done there. im planning on going to school here too.
love annie
NIce.. you like mudvayne
What's up SG land? I had a hell of a weekend. I took my Harley for the first ride of the season. I plan on putting alot of miles on her this year. I'm taking it to Miss. when I go down there for my cousins wedding at the end of Miss. I got my tax refund back. My truck will be 100% mine very...
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Hello to all of SG Land. I was a member a while ago and now I'm back (not that it matters). Where has Faith been? What happened to Maggie?
maggie is nowAnnie, she just changed her name.