as june 30 creeps, i know i need to take action. i can't sit while life passes me by, i will take life by the horns (while it reaches for my balls) and own that muthaFuckr. you will be my pet, to dress, to walk, to feed. I will show you luv and you will reciprocate with feverish effort.

you ...
So i partied like it was 1999 @ the Tiki Bar 4th Bday (which was also my UnBDay), and it has been a non stop ride since then. My department closed down, got invited to several club openings, saw several great artist gallery openings, hung out @ the beach. You name it, i have been doing it. but now it is time to earn that...
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Tomorrow with the Tiki's (tikibartv.com), booze, hulas and bathing suits, aaaahhh LA, I love it,

I will post a few fotos from the event, hopefully my highs will not look baked biggrin
Thank you for your comment on my set, it is highly appreciated! kiss
That sounds nice. I want nice warm weather again, winter is creeping up on my side of the world tongue
I will be parting in Venice on the 20 something ish, with the Tiki's. It will be a wild event, dance, drink, drink dance, fun fun for the bun bun, oh yeah...
any who i though we all should show how the SG's do it. biggrin
Thank you so much for your lovely comment on my MR set, Garden Of Love. I hope you had fun in Venice!