WHAT?! .......... I am talk about the computer, GEEEEEZZZ
So, I would like to tell everyone, who cares to hear it, a story. This a true story, not based on a true story nor events, just a true story....
I will start by saying I was totally cooperative... my bank is located in the Super Bi Lo next to my house. in the middle of a ATM transaction I was told that I had to leave the premises while wearing this shirt.

I wasn't even going to get all ninja on this dude so I said, "Okay my man, just please, (see I am using my nice words), let me finish I cannot leave the ATM open with all of my information for any and everyone to do what they will."
this suggestion was not good enough for this particular employee. I was very specifically told this was a family establishment and that I needed to leave and that I needed to do so right now. so I took my shirt off and finished the transaction. the whole time this person is getting even more upset. I ask him which one is it am I allowed to wear the shirt or not allowed to wear the shirt!
my receipt prints I grab it and then promptly exit the store, meanwhile the whole time I am thanking the gentleman for all his help. once I exited the store I was followed by one of the store managers. we talked with one another and smoothed everything out. the manager was much more understanding, which is nice as I sometimes enter this store up to twice a day. she then goes onto way too much detail that this guy had only been working there for two weeks and was working there part time as a result and is sorry he was taking it out on me..... My response, ...... "What the Fuck are you talking about?!" I gotta love the South!
As Paul Harvey would say, "And, that's, the rest of the story."
In other news totally psyched about the show I am going to tonight! One of many perks to my frickin beautiful job is that I can go to any show for free, along with 2 others if I so choose. With that said if anyone wants to see a certain band at the Charleston Pourhouse in SC let me know!
Really it's the best of both worlds for me! I get to do amazing food (see images below) with amazing product and people and have a new show to see for free any me I choose. Such as this show tonight! The Mike Dillion Band!

Alright, frankly, this IS the ugliest fish I have ever seen, but fresh!
"Fresh fish! We catch'em you buy'em!!"
(Aladdin quote for that ass)
Now on to the beautiful.....
This cauliflower is super gnarly! It's not in season anymore but it's like Sesame Street and Veggi Tales mated and this is what they spawned...
These are the raviolis when my Chef/Best Friend came into have the first dinner out of his own kitchen so hooked him up wit dat...
French the shit outta that toast!!! And that's what I did;
*Fresh Brioche I made that morning, dipped in custard that somehow I have accomplished to make the recipe turn out to taste EXACTLY like Lucky Charm marshmallows
*Housemade bacon I break down the actual pig, cure the belly from said pig, smoke slice it, cook it, DAAAAMMMMMNN BOI!!!
*Smoked South Carolina Peacan Butter with literal apple butter and a nice finishing Olive Oil.
(I know!)
Head Cheese and Brioche Benedict with "world's fluffiest" hollandaise... may I add the egg was poached very nicely....
Enough of the stroking of the ego!!!!!! (but I....) (don't talk back) (but I like to...) (what did I say!!! Stop It!) (alright already)
sorry keyboard inner monologue acting up again...
Now on to the music!!!
This is a video from the last show at our venune, which I was in attendance being that they were opening for fricking FISHBONE! Was wonderful and these guys killed it.
I will also mention I have a severe crush on the Trombone Chick! So much so that after their set I went to my truck and grabbed a cassette tape of a kick ass noise-core band from my hometown, RVA, Bermuda Triangles, and yes it was a professionally recorded and released cassette tape! (no one does this anymore) Went up to the merch counter, where she was, and explained that I had no money to support the band by buying something (which was true) but that I wanted to instead share this band...
If you're into noise-core and live on the East Coast, absolutely check them out!!!
To follow such a first impression I have two Les Georges Leningrad albums to share. Sadly they are not cassette tapes they are CDs and I have one of their albums on vinyl, but, really, I only have a crush on this said trombone/vibe playing woman..... i'm not trying to marry her, i mean let's just be real...
These guys where the best! An experimental rock group from Canada whom may or may not be getting back together soon, (fingers crossed), but their shows and interviews are frickin great, stimulating to the eye and ear, and if you are on the same brain wave, hilarious!
I also found this today which I will be taking with me tonight, I have no fucking clue what the pictures are that I have already taken on this thing, but I know what the other 15 pics will be of. Ohhh how I love suprises!
well that's what I have to report gotta lot to do before the show, eat dinner, stop drinking so much coffee, masturbate, etc.....
Have a Lovely,