Well hello everyone, hope all is well.
so, thought I would share a what I will call, a re-life changing experience from Sunday evening with everyone, as I am pretty sure most will appreciate. A few months ago I purchased one of my childhood favorites, "The Land Before Time", for 50 cents at Goodwill. In my search for a night cap movie to watch my eyes became aware of said VHS. I then accepted my destiny to watch this film for the first time in an amount of time I can not, honestly, estimate.
The beginning of the VHS has a Pizza Hut commercial played before the movie starts. Once it starts playing I smile from a vague sense comfort in the quality of the commercial being made in the late 80's. As the commercial continued this feeling grew stronger and stronger and would eventually last through the entire movie.
I began to realize that I have watched this very commercial hundreds of times in my life. An overwhelming deja vu took over all my senses. so intensely overwhelming I that was bewildered, so intensely overwhelming that I am dedicating this entire blog in an attempt to share this experience with others whom may relate......
So, away we go..........

This Fucking Woman! (she used to scare me)

Pizza Hut, also, used to have these plastic puppets that you could;
A) hardly fit your hand in (even for having a hand the size of a child)
B) barely moved because it was made of frickin plastic, thus defeating the whole idea of it being a puppet
I still own a few of these in my parents attic, I should snag them back....

And of course, do not forget SHARP TOOTH!!!!!!!!!

Most kids had something to comfort them. A blankie, sucking their thumb, stuffed animal, this was mine....
In watching the movie in my now adult life a number of things beyond nostalgia ran through my mind. Such as; *Why is Little Foot sometimes purple and sometimes tan?
*If Little Foot is the only hope for the continuation of his herd, does that mean he has to fuck his Grandmother to further the species? Do I have to watch the other 20 sequels to find out? (minutes later in the movie, after Sara is introduced where "three horns do not play with ]ooonnnggg necks" his mother says to him that there would be other long necks for him to play with in the Great Valley. A detail I had forgotten about)
*Duckie's character is a little girl with beads in her hair and a church going family.
*Petree is a homosexual who needs a therapist and medication.
*Sara probably kills it in double dutch!
*Spike should definitely should be video taped doing the "truffle shuffle" and be sent to America's Funniest Home Videos so Bob Saget can do commentary over it.
*The scene where Little Foot's mom dies still makes me spontaneously start cutting onions.
*Sharp Tooth is a frickin BADASS! I mean really, he's like the Mike Myers of the animated prehistoric era!
*You can always tell throughout the movie when they are walking on solid ground/rock and when they are walking/sliding on mud because you see trails of their foot prints when walking and bodies when they are sliding in it.
*It was really nice of the baby flyer to share its cherry with Little Foot because Little Foot was depressed and really need a pick me up. Good look baby flyer!
No wonder why this movie was my childhood favorite........
so, thought I would share a what I will call, a re-life changing experience from Sunday evening with everyone, as I am pretty sure most will appreciate. A few months ago I purchased one of my childhood favorites, "The Land Before Time", for 50 cents at Goodwill. In my search for a night cap movie to watch my eyes became aware of said VHS. I then accepted my destiny to watch this film for the first time in an amount of time I can not, honestly, estimate.
The beginning of the VHS has a Pizza Hut commercial played before the movie starts. Once it starts playing I smile from a vague sense comfort in the quality of the commercial being made in the late 80's. As the commercial continued this feeling grew stronger and stronger and would eventually last through the entire movie.
I began to realize that I have watched this very commercial hundreds of times in my life. An overwhelming deja vu took over all my senses. so intensely overwhelming I that was bewildered, so intensely overwhelming that I am dedicating this entire blog in an attempt to share this experience with others whom may relate......
So, away we go..........

This Fucking Woman! (she used to scare me)

Pizza Hut, also, used to have these plastic puppets that you could;
A) hardly fit your hand in (even for having a hand the size of a child)
B) barely moved because it was made of frickin plastic, thus defeating the whole idea of it being a puppet
I still own a few of these in my parents attic, I should snag them back....

And of course, do not forget SHARP TOOTH!!!!!!!!!

Most kids had something to comfort them. A blankie, sucking their thumb, stuffed animal, this was mine....
In watching the movie in my now adult life a number of things beyond nostalgia ran through my mind. Such as; *Why is Little Foot sometimes purple and sometimes tan?
*If Little Foot is the only hope for the continuation of his herd, does that mean he has to fuck his Grandmother to further the species? Do I have to watch the other 20 sequels to find out? (minutes later in the movie, after Sara is introduced where "three horns do not play with ]ooonnnggg necks" his mother says to him that there would be other long necks for him to play with in the Great Valley. A detail I had forgotten about)
*Duckie's character is a little girl with beads in her hair and a church going family.
*Petree is a homosexual who needs a therapist and medication.
*Sara probably kills it in double dutch!
*Spike should definitely should be video taped doing the "truffle shuffle" and be sent to America's Funniest Home Videos so Bob Saget can do commentary over it.
*The scene where Little Foot's mom dies still makes me spontaneously start cutting onions.
*Sharp Tooth is a frickin BADASS! I mean really, he's like the Mike Myers of the animated prehistoric era!
*You can always tell throughout the movie when they are walking on solid ground/rock and when they are walking/sliding on mud because you see trails of their foot prints when walking and bodies when they are sliding in it.
*It was really nice of the baby flyer to share its cherry with Little Foot because Little Foot was depressed and really need a pick me up. Good look baby flyer!
No wonder why this movie was my childhood favorite........
i loved the seagull! he was goofy as fuck! i have soooo many movies from around that time **i get hardcore nostalgic!!!
had TOO good of a time! lmao