I don't have very much to say except I'm happy and well and more in love with each day

I haven't taken any photos since my holiday cos my camera is sitting at the bottom of the harbor at Airlie beach

So here are some more photos from out sailing adventure.
Our boat the Bloody Mary (named after my sweet mother)

Me being all captain like n stuff

My girl being all beautiful n stuff

The rest of the crew

Bloody Mary anchored of Long Island

Nara inlet

Swimming with dolphins

One night we anchored next to this amazing waterfall...

So the girls got naked and went for a play

More photos of naked chicks playing in a waterfall (yes I know I'm a very lucky boy)
more sailing and cuddling
and kissing
and drinking
and merrymaking
We eventually had to drop our friends at Hamilton Island but my gitl and I still had another week cruising the islands, just the 2 of us, all romantic like... and naked
Whilst she was being all glamorous n stuff someone had to pull on the ropes and sail the boat
She did help out a bit
We spent a couple of nights anchored of a beautiful resort called Peppers, 2 days of lounging by the pool, eating amazing food and drinking way to many yummy cocktails.
More resort shots:
I got to show my girl my most favorite beach in the world... Whitehaven
So of course there was more skinny dipping
Sunset at Whitehaven is always so beautiful.
We have the best holidays... can't wait for the next one