Ever have one of those days when it feels like your whole world is falling apart around you?
I had a deadline Yesterday at 11am. I woke up with a headache, tired and stressed, get to work get bombardedwith questions from artists needing to know what to do,directors wanting the impossible and producers wanting to know when it will be done. I missed my deadline! for the first time ever, If I had worked on Sunday this wouldn't have happened.
Then around mid day get a call from Mum saying that Grandma is very sick and might not live much longer. She is heavily medicated amd probably wont wake up and wont recognise me but if I want to see her I should go soon. Dad is very upset, Ive never seen my dad upset before, its weird. he is like this rock, nothing moves him. He is the strongest most stable thing in my life.
I feel bad that I havent seen Grandma in weeks, I don't spend enough time with my family.
Anyway I get of the phone from mum wipe the tears from my eyes just in time to hear my production manager saying,
"Im getting very worried how much longer do you think we need?" It takes every ounce of self restraint not to yell out "ITS ONLY A FUCKING CARTOON" !!!
I left work late and had a small accident with some asshole in a ute who swerves in to my lane without indicating or looking, luckily the only damage is my left indicator, mirror and arm. Nothing bad. The asshole didn't stop.
I sat on the foot path for a while, waiting for my heart rate to slow down and looking at my no longer perfect brand new ducati, then it starts to rain. I got home late cold, soaked to the bone and pretty fucking misserable.
, I hate mondays but this one really sucked 
I know the world isn't out to get me but sometimes thats how it feels.
I dont believe in fate, I have the power to make my own choices in life and the power to define my own path, The choices I make are not pre defined by some higher power or "fate" My destiny is yet unwritten. yay
If you sit on your hands and leave it to fate you get nowhere. You have to work to get where you want to be in life.
*Get the work done early when you have the time
*Spend more time with my family
*Watch out for idiots
*Take better care of my toys, they break easily...
I had a deadline Yesterday at 11am. I woke up with a headache, tired and stressed, get to work get bombardedwith questions from artists needing to know what to do,directors wanting the impossible and producers wanting to know when it will be done. I missed my deadline! for the first time ever, If I had worked on Sunday this wouldn't have happened.
Then around mid day get a call from Mum saying that Grandma is very sick and might not live much longer. She is heavily medicated amd probably wont wake up and wont recognise me but if I want to see her I should go soon. Dad is very upset, Ive never seen my dad upset before, its weird. he is like this rock, nothing moves him. He is the strongest most stable thing in my life.
I feel bad that I havent seen Grandma in weeks, I don't spend enough time with my family.
Anyway I get of the phone from mum wipe the tears from my eyes just in time to hear my production manager saying,
"Im getting very worried how much longer do you think we need?" It takes every ounce of self restraint not to yell out "ITS ONLY A FUCKING CARTOON" !!!
I left work late and had a small accident with some asshole in a ute who swerves in to my lane without indicating or looking, luckily the only damage is my left indicator, mirror and arm. Nothing bad. The asshole didn't stop.
I sat on the foot path for a while, waiting for my heart rate to slow down and looking at my no longer perfect brand new ducati, then it starts to rain. I got home late cold, soaked to the bone and pretty fucking misserable.

I know the world isn't out to get me but sometimes thats how it feels.
I dont believe in fate, I have the power to make my own choices in life and the power to define my own path, The choices I make are not pre defined by some higher power or "fate" My destiny is yet unwritten. yay

If you sit on your hands and leave it to fate you get nowhere. You have to work to get where you want to be in life.
*Get the work done early when you have the time
*Spend more time with my family
*Watch out for idiots
*Take better care of my toys, they break easily...
see you at the swing set on friday
hearts yummy xx