I love my home but its a bit lonely at the moment, My girl Lelaina has gone on a big overseas adventure, my flat mate moved out a couple of months ago which was perfect timing because Rache' and I had the place to ourselves for a few weeks b4 she left. Quality

So for now its just me, my cat Lucy and My girls little puppy Nacho.

We have been doing some gardening together, Nacho is a big help in the garden, he is like a ball of velcro that runs around at a hundred miles an hour picking up all the cobblers peggs, bindies, and other assorted bits.

We would normally be in so much trouble for getting this messy and smelly

Lucy really isn't much help but she keeps Nacho in line. Well she tries but Nacho just thinks its a
fun game.

Anyway my girl will be back in 2 and a half weeks, She already has loads of exciting tales to tell involving, rock stars, cartoon characters spaceships and robots, but you will just have to stay tuned to her journal for those stories.
Its not long to wait but I miss her lots.... and lots.... I really cant complain though, I am a very lucky boy... Im just so happily in love. Seriously noone has ever brought so much happiness in to my life. She is just so.... well...
she's perfect

I work an obscene amount in a very high pressure environment, so getting a lot done on a day off is pretty easy by comparison. No phone calls, no boss, no customers and I can do one thing at a time until it's completed rather than the 8-12 things I'm doing at once at work.
Kinda refreshing actually.
i miss you babe