and so the 3rd was my birfday, i turned 28. it was the best bday to date! went out to dinner w/ fam and friends at the restaurant my boy worked at for 7yrs before we moved down here, so that was nice. then we went out for drinks, and then to a friend from high schools house. saw lots of old friends i wasn't expecting see, such a nice surprise!
and the evening ended like this...
so then the next day we made our way to chicago.
friday went to see skrillex, muse, and ratatat.
fri evening turned out to be one of the worst nights in my 12 yr relationship. everything's good now, and prob better than before, live and learn, right? but its unfortunate that the evening was wasted.
saturday we saw the deftones, the glitch mob, my morning jacket, and pretty lights.
that evening consisted of us meeting up w/ 2 brothers i've been playing socom w/ for almost 5 yrs. we went to the smart bar where mark farina was djing.
the foo fighters were playing in the club right above, and while my friends were outside smoking, i met pat smear! this is a huge deal for me because growing up i was obsessed w/ nirvana.
sunday deadmau5 was signing stuff at the autograph tent.
this is before, on our way....
while standing in the huge ass line, it decided to pour! luckily my friend was quick to find trash bags.
and this is after...
but i met joel and he signed my mau5 head, so it was totally worth it!
i decided to take my mau5 head back to the hotel where it would be safe, instead of taking the chances of it getting destroyed at the show. we went back to the fest, and it was a huge mud pit. i decided to take off my flip flops instead of losing them in the mud, which proved to be a great idea.
while we were at the tent dancing to modeselektor, it started pouring even harder than before, it was absolutely insane. walking around in mud up to my ankles, i could feel other peoples lost flip flops under my feet
then it was off to see deadmau5, who's new set is nothing short of AMAZING. i only took one video, because i was scared to lose my phone in the 6 inches of mud i was standing in.
i was heartbroken to leave the set early, but i've never seen the foo fighters live, and had to catch the last 30min of that.
on the way back to the hotel, my boy took lots of pics of me and my muddy feet.
so all in all, Lollapalooza was a great time! i didn't see one show there i didn't enjoy. i love chicago! i'd seriously think about moving there if it wasn't so cold in the winter. i was sad to leave, and wish i had the money to be there this weekend as well for the comic con. i hope all the girls going though have a blast! all though i'm sure they will!
also, i've been listening to araabmuzik on repeat for the past week and a half, give it a listen!
oh, and i know you'll all be busy, out enjoying your weekend this saturday, but dont forget to log in and check out my set that will be in MR! its been a little while since my last, and i hope you all like it!
ok, that's it. sorry for the longest blog ever.....