but either way, i felt like updating...
in case you were wondering how much i like frozen yogurt, this is how excited i get about it...
which might be why i can't seem to lose this winter weight, idk but it's so good, and my boy seems to want to go every other day, it's so hard to resist!
so these came in the mail the other day!
seriously, i can't wait! the line up is killer! 12 more days, i have a little widget on my phone to remind me but i can't believe more of you aren't going!!! i wish i could get more of my friends to go to music festivals w/ me. they always say they will or how much they want to, but never do and always say it's because of money
to be honest, i don't have a lot of money. partially because i don't make a lot, partially because the money i do have, i spend on traveling and seeing live music. irresponsible? maybe. but you only live once
so if any of you happen to go, let me know, and lets party
and i had this glorious plan of making another mau5 head (for those of you who don't know what i'm talking about, check out my blog from oct?) for ultra. but i've decided against it. when i went to see deadmau5 in atl, it was almost more of a hassle because everyone wanted to put it on. and i'd have to carry it around all day at the fest. but i'm still gonna make one in the next couple months, and use it for something even better! i hope. stay tuned....
i may or may not have had too much to drink this evening...
You should make one of those heads and use it as a ginormous cookie jar.
Thank god somebody finally said it!