Reaching out, reaching out but my hands simply grasp in the dark. My heart leaps and misses. My mind fails to connect. Love is a death pool. And here I am, the fool who still hopes and clings and strives only to be greeted with a dark and bitter silence. There are some who remain upon the periphery, always afraid of being too close or...
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In our imperfections lies our beauty. It is our imperfections that make us unique and alluring this is the case with every human being I find attractive and it is the case with the forms of music and literature that I love. Animals too. There is a cat who often waits around in my garden around the time that I get home from work. This...
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When the book closes you are gone and I am once more alone but the words continue to speak to me and as I walk through the street back to my house to escape the masses of people all crammed into their cars and stuck in traffic jams as they try to make it to the parks to linger in the sun I think of...
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Sometimes you have to leave the house. Sometimes, when the knives and razors and pills and bottles are calling your name, you have to leave the house. Sometimes you do silly things like come to the bar and sit alone drinking beer in the presence of a woman you love from afar and it probably does nothing other than make you look like an idiotic,...
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All of todays writings and joys have just changed. Funny how a few words can cause that emotional black cloud to arise. The ice at some point must thaw... this fucking ice age that has set in physically and metaphorically. It is said that one should not run away from problems. But what exactly is running away? Some say dont run away and some say...
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Don't take everything so seriously. Don't take everything you read so seriously. Don't take yourself so seriously. You will often find that you're not as good as you think you are or that you're not as bad as you think you are. Often you will find those who believe themselves to be good are actually pretty bad and those who believe themselves to be bad...
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Beautiful writing left to us by authors who penned their thoughts and troubles are often so electric and joyous that they are enough to help us through the dark night. Often when there has been negative communication or a hopeless breakdown or even just a hopeless, cold longing... the wonderful words of another human being put to page many years ago are like a guiding...
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I dreamt about you again, this time on much more favourable terms, and when I awoke I got out of bed and took my shorts off to put something warmer on in the freezing cold morning. As I stood, naked, at the foot of the bed, I suddenly recalled the times Id do the same whilst you lay in my bed and, upon those mornings,...
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Even in my dreams you no longer offer me solace. For some reason we fell to the pavement together and I joked that you wanted me... you said I wanted you once, many years ago, but that has passed and you need to let go. You went on to explain why it was that I wasnt attractive any more but I cant recall the words......
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Why am I incapable of sleep? Why am I not consumed by sleep the way I am consumed by thoughts of those I have loved and lost? Such an innocent thing as a short afternoon nap eludes me for I am haunted by thoughts and ideas and recollections of events and conversations. I work through the patterns of words, try to make sense of your...
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