Searching for words to describe a feeling, a fear, a fall when sometimes it seems there is no escape from it all and the ruthless machine simply grinds on and on. People come and go rapidly because, as the twenty-first century blisters away, everybody wants new new new new. Our fast-food high-speed internet junkie culture kills our concentration and our imagination and makes us seek quick fixes and immediate highs. We persist in nothing. We fail in life and we fail in love. Some seek the god fix, some the marriage fix… and the latter usually turn to the children fix because we are constantly seeking a patch to repair the things that we have fucked up. Another fuck, another drink… just don’t think… run through life in blinkers, run to the DIY store and buy tiles and paint and hooks and spend your weekend trying to numb your brain and maintain a sense of happy family. I’m happy to be lying here in my bed, alone, listening to The Clash. Outside they rush and push. Later I have to go to the airport and get on a plane. I don’t like airports or planes (or the people within them) but sometimes there are people one needs to see.
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A Love Letter
Dear Madrid, This is an open love letter to the city. From your… -
It was another one of our Spanish parties at which the guests were… -
I fell asleep last night and dreamed that we took cyanide togethe… -
walking home
Walking home, headlong into the night and into this driving rain. I… -
Oh, genes, I don't know what happiness means.
A week spent pushing the limits. Too much alcohol. Too little sleep… -
A walk in the cold night air shortly after the Madrid sun has sunk… -
There is this natural, untouched beauty in abundance and there are… -
Sometimes the arrogance of your stupid youth is frustrating to me b… -
Searching for words to describe a feeling, a fear, a fall when some… -
Monday May 27, 2013
White blue days drift rapidly past as I gaze out of my window and sip…