I love plants. I have 26 house plants including 6 African Violets - my favorites, though I just got what my mom says is a "rubber plant" that I love too. It will, one day, dictate what kind of apartment I can have as it will easily grow four feet tall with a spread of two or three feet. At least that's how big the plant I took this cutting from is. I'm going to pick up an indoor gardening guide from the library soon and look it up so I know a little more about it.
Lately I've had some trouble with my Aloe. I potted it in too dense of soil and it got unhappy. I spent some time Friday repotting it into a sandier mix with some gravel and hopefully with some attention it perks back up. I have five or six plants so I should be able to save at least one, right?
Also over the weekend I re-did our flower bed next to the front door. It had some awful overgrown plants in it, two of them half-dead, so I tore everything out. Stuff had even started growing under the stairs, so I was crawling around on the ground tearing stuff up. There's a great outdoor nursery about two blocks from my house, so I walked down there and picked out some new plants. I planned it so that there will be flowers from late May until early September. I won't get to fully appreciate it until next year, but even now it looks better than it did. The picture here is of it nearly completed. Since I took this I've added some small flowering annuals for some extra color and some bark dust as mulch. It was a really fun project. I'm tempted to do the bed by the garage as well, though since i'm in a rental I'm hesitant to put too much work since I may not be here after next summer.

Lately I've had some trouble with my Aloe. I potted it in too dense of soil and it got unhappy. I spent some time Friday repotting it into a sandier mix with some gravel and hopefully with some attention it perks back up. I have five or six plants so I should be able to save at least one, right?
Also over the weekend I re-did our flower bed next to the front door. It had some awful overgrown plants in it, two of them half-dead, so I tore everything out. Stuff had even started growing under the stairs, so I was crawling around on the ground tearing stuff up. There's a great outdoor nursery about two blocks from my house, so I walked down there and picked out some new plants. I planned it so that there will be flowers from late May until early September. I won't get to fully appreciate it until next year, but even now it looks better than it did. The picture here is of it nearly completed. Since I took this I've added some small flowering annuals for some extra color and some bark dust as mulch. It was a really fun project. I'm tempted to do the bed by the garage as well, though since i'm in a rental I'm hesitant to put too much work since I may not be here after next summer.