I worked from 9 pm to 9:30 am last night. It was kinda fun. The shop looks way better, and pride can work wonders.
I slept most of today, and went filming tonight...
That's my buddy Daryl getting Beeeeezy. One of the other "Extreme Athletes" broke himself off first try. It's warm in the city. A good night for this. I wish I could do that stuff. But I don't think I have health insurance, and I know I'd be cashing in on it if I'd stepped to it.
The movie I'm filming for is soo "Yo". It makes me laugh sometimes. See this shot in next year's "Livin Proof"... a Finger on the Trigger Production. Bendini's "Jibbing Texas" is gonna be the real izzy though. Hopefully we can keep that one an inside joke again.
In other news...
Some total fucker stole my absolute favorite, wear it all the time, pride and joy, hard to find, black hat while I was working. Some Customer! I would seriously strangle this person if I could get a hold of them. I feel naked. You'd never know cuz I never put the hat in any pics here. But had you seen me in person, I'd have been wearing the little buddy. I hope karma kills their loved ones. Then they'd know how I feel.
(Spins wheel of emotions)
This weekend should be eventful... SG parties, and a good concert for v-day.
I'm ready to get out of town... Someone give me a reason.
Instant messaging with some of you this week has been nice. Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes. It was a swell day.
Enon, Enon, Enon..... serioiusly!
Santa boo coming soon,
I worked from 9 pm to 9:30 am last night. It was kinda fun. The shop looks way better, and pride can work wonders.
I slept most of today, and went filming tonight...
That's my buddy Daryl getting Beeeeezy. One of the other "Extreme Athletes" broke himself off first try. It's warm in the city. A good night for this. I wish I could do that stuff. But I don't think I have health insurance, and I know I'd be cashing in on it if I'd stepped to it.
The movie I'm filming for is soo "Yo". It makes me laugh sometimes. See this shot in next year's "Livin Proof"... a Finger on the Trigger Production. Bendini's "Jibbing Texas" is gonna be the real izzy though. Hopefully we can keep that one an inside joke again.
In other news...
Some total fucker stole my absolute favorite, wear it all the time, pride and joy, hard to find, black hat while I was working. Some Customer! I would seriously strangle this person if I could get a hold of them. I feel naked. You'd never know cuz I never put the hat in any pics here. But had you seen me in person, I'd have been wearing the little buddy. I hope karma kills their loved ones. Then they'd know how I feel.
(Spins wheel of emotions)
This weekend should be eventful... SG parties, and a good concert for v-day.
I'm ready to get out of town... Someone give me a reason.
Instant messaging with some of you this week has been nice. Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes. It was a swell day.
Enon, Enon, Enon..... serioiusly!
Santa boo coming soon,
my dad sent my sister to buy ecoterrorism survival ish..
she came home with snorkel masks.
'My homie Boojiboy, he's got my baaaak...'