the past few days have been well shitty. i caught a sickness entirely too fast and too hard, but at least it's passing. two days ago, i didn't get out of my bed until seven-thirty at night because i could feel pain sloshing through my body. everything was pretty technicolour and so bright; i was so light-headed. when i finally got up, i took a few steps then got very weak and passed out on the coffee table. i woke up and my body was on the floor, but my chin was resting on the table. i'd smashed my chin so hard, but was actually pretty happy that i didn't crack my head open. anywho, the night passed and so did my fever of 105. two days later, my stomach still hurts, but i'm pretty content. it's nearly ten-thirty and i've not yet slept. caitlin is supposedly coming over soon, so i'll be up for some time, i'm sure.
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Thursday Dec 08, 2005
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Monday Dec 05, 2005
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Saturday Dec 03, 2005
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Thursday Dec 01, 2005
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Wednesday Nov 30, 2005
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Monday Nov 28, 2005
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Monday Nov 21, 2005
oh, man. why is it that i can never fucking sleep? -
Wednesday Nov 16, 2005
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