Account ist ausgelaufen. Aber da SG mir ber die Monate diverse Einladungen geschickt hat mit 3-monats Accounts, nutz ich das nun einfach mal weiterhin.... kost ja nix.
Wouldn't it be nice if I could re-join the Germany group here in SG? - yes!
Anyone know why I got not one but two invites for another three months here?
Dennis asked me if I wanted to go with him to see Dean Dirg at AZ Aachen and I agreed. So off to Aachen we went. Also with us: Ron. Dennis claimed that it usually takes 30-45 minutes to get there and I laughed in his face. No way you'll ever make it in 30 minutes. I was proven correct: It took 50 minutes to... Read More
Hooray I'm back. Anarchie supplied me with an 3 month free membership, so I reactivated my old accont. I recently talked to 2 people still hanging around here. Lets see what its like here now.
Na gut, dann ist das wirklich seltsam.
Hatte ich auch schon gewundert, warum dein Abgang so gro angekndigt wurde und du dann trotzdem noch da warst (Nein, das hie nicht, dass du gehen sollst )