This blog is for all Suicide Girls and Hopefuls. I am writing this because as of late there has been a lot of things I have seen on social media and here from other models and it truly makes me so sad. I hope that this blog brings a little clarity to some things.
Sucidie Girls is a wonderful community, giving many of us opportunies and the most wonderful friends. As someone who can't really seem to connect with women, it is so refreshing to have met so many fellow models who are the most loving, thoughtful, inspirational and supportive women. I am very grateful, as should every model on this site. I couldn't imagine my life without the people I love so much and it's all because of SG that I know them.
We all have the same goals when it comes to SG, turning pink, getting sets front's been brought to my attention and the attention of other models on here of some wrongful promotion and ....I can't believe I am saying this ...shit talking other models on this site in your live shows on WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? This isn't highschool, you are above no one, this isn't a competition....we are to empower women!!!!!!
Don't be posting about your sets, onlyfans or to follow you on other models sets, pages, posts or's disrespectful and absoulutley unprofessional!!!! Let alone to go on your live after doing this and bash another model and claim you are better....first off if you are a SGH doing this, just a warning, people are to promote and market yourself in a positive way and get support from other models not make them hate wanna be pink right? well thats not the way to go about it. SG models... you know better and there is more expected of you as a representative of SG.
I have also read not just one but more than a handful on social media talking about being spammed by hopefuls... I get not wanting it in posts, lives, pages and sets but if someone sends you a DM asking you to check out their set.... how hard is it to go give a like or comment... we all want valadation, we all want to feel good. Most of these girls messaging you admire you and that would simply make their day, also I bet you wouldn't be spammed with messages if you just give a like...heck if they have questions answer them as best you can or direct them to someone who can... we were all hopefuls at one point and I bet you loved when you were starting out and saw a like or comment from an SG. It's not hard, stop complaining about someone asking you to check their set out...not everyone has a large following and there was a time you didn't either. I repeat: WE ARE A COMMUNITY AND SHOULD BE SUPPORTING AND EMPOWERING ONE ANOTHER!
With all this being said... I invite all models to post your sets photo and link in the comments below. If you have any questions about modeling or regarding marketing yourself....really anything... feel free to comment below or ask me in a message.
(This is NOT for you to promote your onlyfans or any content sales. THIS IS FOR SG SETS ONLY)
I am here for everyone! I believe a little love and support goes a long way!
"This is the way" - Mandalorian
Xo Booba!
@rambo @missy