Sunday....9:07 am. Woo, I'm sleepy. I HATE MY FUCKING LIFE.
Well ladies and gents I feel oh so special, I got a whopping 35 comments as opposed to the 16 I had been getting. I'm greedy. Bugger off. I took some new pixars, wanna seeeee?
Oh wait, I'm not naked in any of em. Don't bother, har har. Also, there are new pet pix as well. All these new pix live in the Random Pix 2 folder, and one lives in the Random Pix folder. So, who thinks I look like Ashlee Simpson? ::raises hand:: I do, I do! And I motherfucking HATE it. I have such contempt for her b/c she looks like me...not b/c/o how damn stupid she is. Not b/c she was standing right beside Jude Law and didn't molester him. But because she looks like me. Arg. Hate that bitch. Speaking of bitch, my mum cut off my AOL service. Boo. So, my new contact info the contact info center! ::bounce bounce:: I can't remember if I've changed my new email address yet. I may have to do don't start sending mass email thru the contact thingy just yet. Give me a minute. Rhiannon is sick. She has diarrhea, and puked 2 times last night. Me and Rob were at the hospital for countless hours watching SNL. GOD that show is shit now. Complete shit. But back to Rhiannon. She has to drink 2 ounces of formula one hour, then 2 ounces of Pedialyte the next. Until she gets well. She doesn't like this, which in turn means I don't like it, cos she screams and makes my life HADES! In fact, that's why I'm up at the ass crackage of earliness. So don't mind my weird ass tone in this journal, I'm just sleep deprived. VERY sleep deprived. ::dies::
Still haven't gotten any shirts from Mr. inov8ve. Hmmm, wonder how I'm supposed to model for his clothing line. Derno, lets ask the post office. Rob is going to Myrtle Beach for 3 days starting monday. His timing couldn't have been better for HIM! Fucker. Yea, leave me with the screaming evil cripper (thats our nickname for's the baby-talk word for "critter". Shutthefuckup). Ugh. I am so sleepy. I'm going to go pass the fuck back out so I can wake up again in an hour. Go look @ my pixars and tell me how pretty Ashlee Simpson is.
1.) What is something no one would expect about you?
I went to a christian skool from grades 6-10. No wonder I'm nuts.
2.) Complete the sentance: "Something quirky about me is..."
That I am motherfucking nosy as all hell. Especially about BAD INAPPROPRIATE shit. Like death. My ex has been to 21 funerals in the last 4 years. He has apparently stumbled upon some of the bodies, as well. I am over here asking what the corpses looked like, every detail of their death, blah blah blah. Try not to die around me, or let me find out. I WILL INQUIRE. ALOT.
3.) What do you want for Easter?
More Cadbury eggs. MMMM MMMM. I got Rhiannon this basket with a stuffed Woodstock (the lil yellow thing from Peanuts) and candy. I anticipate the candy. And I'm kinda hoping the Woodstock will be her favorite stuffed animal that she sleeps with til she's 19 ::cough-like meeee-cough::. I'll take pix of Bobby one day. He's a bunny, and my Nana made him for me for my first easter, and I can't sleep without him. His name is Bobby cos I couldn't say Bunny. TeeHee.
WOW. That was long. Thanx for reading, bye byeeeeeee!!!!
Well ladies and gents I feel oh so special, I got a whopping 35 comments as opposed to the 16 I had been getting. I'm greedy. Bugger off. I took some new pixars, wanna seeeee?

1.) What is something no one would expect about you?
I went to a christian skool from grades 6-10. No wonder I'm nuts.
2.) Complete the sentance: "Something quirky about me is..."
That I am motherfucking nosy as all hell. Especially about BAD INAPPROPRIATE shit. Like death. My ex has been to 21 funerals in the last 4 years. He has apparently stumbled upon some of the bodies, as well. I am over here asking what the corpses looked like, every detail of their death, blah blah blah. Try not to die around me, or let me find out. I WILL INQUIRE. ALOT.
3.) What do you want for Easter?
More Cadbury eggs. MMMM MMMM. I got Rhiannon this basket with a stuffed Woodstock (the lil yellow thing from Peanuts) and candy. I anticipate the candy. And I'm kinda hoping the Woodstock will be her favorite stuffed animal that she sleeps with til she's 19 ::cough-like meeee-cough::. I'll take pix of Bobby one day. He's a bunny, and my Nana made him for me for my first easter, and I can't sleep without him. His name is Bobby cos I couldn't say Bunny. TeeHee.
WOW. That was long. Thanx for reading, bye byeeeeeee!!!!
i did my hair purple.....

Baby Boo, you are my one of my favourite people on here. You can lurk all you want. I have a Boo fetish.