"Life's not fair....." -Papa Roach
1.) I just want to take space #1 to say I don't have many friends, but the friends I do have, I love. And if any of you silly buggers need something (other than money. LOL), don't hesitate to email me. It feels good to be needed.
2.) This weed sucks. It tastes like.....like an old book in the library. ::busts out laughing::
I know, I'm stupid. But it really tastes quite bad. Actually no, it tastes the way my Nana's car smells inside. Maybe this is Jeebus saying"Angel, quit smoking weed". Hmmmmmmm.
3.) For once, my husband is the only one in the band NOT getting shit faced every night. Can you believe it! Egads, even!
4.) As far as the $ goes, let me break it down. We got $2880 back on taxes. 300 went to his mum for housing me, 600 went to the Angel, and the rest went to NY. So thats 1980. 800 went to the producer (1180), 100 to buy a microphone (1080), about 75-80 in tolls (1000), and 600 for the drummer's equiptment b/c he didnt get his tax $ back
(400). So thats roughly $400 gone in a week, as opposed to 1000. So yea. I guess he can steal my $ now.
5.) This weed is truly shit. I'm sorry to bring it up again, but I must say I'm glad I only footed $2 to it. LOL.
6.) Rhiannon puked on me! I picked her up off my legs and she coughed and puke shot out! Like in the Exorcist. With fuckin force! It got on my neck, and shirt, and I was grossed out. I wanted to call Rob right then and there and inform him (b/c she's puked on his pants before....ALOT of puke), but I figure I have the upper hand. I've been puked on, and had piss shot at me. I bet you didn't know girls could SHOOT piss, eh! (by the way, when I got shot at, I got hit. LOL)
7.) Come to think of it, I bet Rob bought that Microphone deliberately! I remember him talking about some wireless mic that was eshpensive, and I said no you can't get it. Now I really AM getting that tattoo.
8.) What do we think of the new set icons? I HATE MINE! I can't believe they're going to post that god awful piccie on the main page. I can't believe they even picked that set. That's prolly why it's not going up. Missy "lost" it. Good job, I'll send a replacement. I have so many new ideas I wanna do!!!!!!!
9.) Everyone go send love to Betrayedbyhope, he's a sad critter. DOOOOO EEET!
10.) I'm considering buying the SG hoodie. How do you order it? Do credit cards work? I want it. Maybe if I give SG my $ I'll go live and get this rubbishy set out of the way.
1.) How was yer Valentines day? We all know mine sucked. I got a Patty O'Green stuffed aminal before the rob left, and then I got an ecard. But I got no booty, and that makes life bad.
2.) Have any of you guys bought one of those pocket vagina things from Priscillas? LOL this is a porn site, lets not be shy. Ok, do you "know anyone" who has one? I wanna buy one for the Rob (he's gonna shoot me for posting this!!!!!!) cos in my mind, that's the coolest thing since sliced bread. I wanna try it!
3.) If I say John Kerry sucks will I get alot of comments and have a big debate in my journal? (I don't really think john kerry sucks, but I know 2 things that strike up seething debate: Politics and Abortion.)
alright, well I'm bored and such, I think I shall skidaddle. I want pix in this journal!
1.) I just want to take space #1 to say I don't have many friends, but the friends I do have, I love. And if any of you silly buggers need something (other than money. LOL), don't hesitate to email me. It feels good to be needed.
2.) This weed sucks. It tastes like.....like an old book in the library. ::busts out laughing::

3.) For once, my husband is the only one in the band NOT getting shit faced every night. Can you believe it! Egads, even!
4.) As far as the $ goes, let me break it down. We got $2880 back on taxes. 300 went to his mum for housing me, 600 went to the Angel, and the rest went to NY. So thats 1980. 800 went to the producer (1180), 100 to buy a microphone (1080), about 75-80 in tolls (1000), and 600 for the drummer's equiptment b/c he didnt get his tax $ back

5.) This weed is truly shit. I'm sorry to bring it up again, but I must say I'm glad I only footed $2 to it. LOL.
6.) Rhiannon puked on me! I picked her up off my legs and she coughed and puke shot out! Like in the Exorcist. With fuckin force! It got on my neck, and shirt, and I was grossed out. I wanted to call Rob right then and there and inform him (b/c she's puked on his pants before....ALOT of puke), but I figure I have the upper hand. I've been puked on, and had piss shot at me. I bet you didn't know girls could SHOOT piss, eh! (by the way, when I got shot at, I got hit. LOL)
7.) Come to think of it, I bet Rob bought that Microphone deliberately! I remember him talking about some wireless mic that was eshpensive, and I said no you can't get it. Now I really AM getting that tattoo.
8.) What do we think of the new set icons? I HATE MINE! I can't believe they're going to post that god awful piccie on the main page. I can't believe they even picked that set. That's prolly why it's not going up. Missy "lost" it. Good job, I'll send a replacement. I have so many new ideas I wanna do!!!!!!!
9.) Everyone go send love to Betrayedbyhope, he's a sad critter. DOOOOO EEET!
10.) I'm considering buying the SG hoodie. How do you order it? Do credit cards work? I want it. Maybe if I give SG my $ I'll go live and get this rubbishy set out of the way.
1.) How was yer Valentines day? We all know mine sucked. I got a Patty O'Green stuffed aminal before the rob left, and then I got an ecard. But I got no booty, and that makes life bad.
2.) Have any of you guys bought one of those pocket vagina things from Priscillas? LOL this is a porn site, lets not be shy. Ok, do you "know anyone" who has one? I wanna buy one for the Rob (he's gonna shoot me for posting this!!!!!!) cos in my mind, that's the coolest thing since sliced bread. I wanna try it!

3.) If I say John Kerry sucks will I get alot of comments and have a big debate in my journal? (I don't really think john kerry sucks, but I know 2 things that strike up seething debate: Politics and Abortion.)
alright, well I'm bored and such, I think I shall skidaddle. I want pix in this journal!
I hope things are going well this week! I sure am thinking about you lots and wishing you TONS of happy days!!
Lots of hugs & kisses to you, Jinxi