Ohhhh my goodness. The angel has been without internet service for a while. Bleh! Here's your update:
1.) I miss the Rob already. He left about 10 minutes ago. His poop-head band is going to NY to play a show.....Long Island to be exact. How many clubs are on Long Island? It's apparently a big club.....they go on @ 7:45. Their name is Tramping Ground, if anyone is in the area, go see em. Make sure my husband doesn't fight anyone.
2.) There was a fight @ the last Tramping Ground show before their departure for NY. I would love to go on record and say this: ANYONE from the Infected camp who has said shit to the effect of "Your man is a bitch", "I'm gonna beat your man's ass", "My boys are gonna fuck your man up"........blow me. You claim to be so big, bad, and hxc, MY ass was standing between Rob and that big motherfucker the ENTIRE fight. You were standing on the sidelines not doing shit. YOU are the bitch, Kay? Thanx. (Basically, it was a long night for the Angel....luckily, the only injury on our side was my bruised knee. LOL....I took a picture, just WAIT til our internet gets back up and running.)
3.) I did a photoshoot with Asrai. I don't remember when. I also don't even know what day it is. I'm in a ball of confusion. But yea, she's got a whopping one picture in her candids. When we get our cds with the pix on em, we'll share. Maybe.
4.) My arms feel wobbly from holding Rob back during the fight. That was my accidental work out. Ugh.
5.) My hair is magenta. I got the other side of my lip pierced. I'm a fucking freak! Don't ask for pictures, I cannot stress enough, I have no internet, I'm at a friends house. When I get the internet back, there shall be a massive update of pix. I promise.
6.) On the schedule tomorrow: wake up (if I so choose to sleep), go to the hospital to see Rhiannon, go to my mum's house to fetch my phone charger, my photobook and my eyeliner sharpener, possibly get a creamcheese bagel, come back to Rob's guitar players house, watch the kids, put them to bed, think about sleeping, count the hours til Rob gets home. Insert "Take Shower" in there somewhere. Maybe.
7.) I shall be smoking the entire day.
8.) Rob will need to get his Ambien prescription filled for me when he goes to NY to record for a month. I cannot sleep without him.
9.) I have a piercing question, cos I'm really at a loss here. MY LIP HURTS!!!! When did I get it done ::thinks::.....Whatever day I did my photoshoot with Asrai.....I'm assuming thursday (dec 30th). I was the testing dummy for this 15 yr old apprentice. I have been soaking with salt water, washing it with Dial soap, doing everything I normally do to heal a new piercing. IT FUCKING HURTS AND IT'S VERY MAD AT ME! I haven't really been playing with it, and lets get personal: I haven't been sucking dick either. I've been doing this shit since I got it. And nothing is helping. I tried putting bacitracin on it, but I have a feeling that it's gonna do nothing but make me sick (cos I'm eating it as well.....NOT deliberately, you fucktards!
). Ohhhh help. I wanna pop the ball off the captive bead and push the infection out with my tongue (tried, and worked in the past) but I'll never be able to get the ball back on. The capive beads they pierce with fucking are DIFFICULT! Anyone wanna buy me new captive beads? Eh? Eh?
10.) I am very cute and cuddly. I'm also fairly strong. If Rob weighs like 190lbs and I was holding him back, I could hurt someone, I bet. I could atleast give a good shove. Will someone teach me to fight? I think I'm a lost cause; punching people in the face makes me squeemish.
11.) OMG! I found out this dude that frequented Goth Nights around my area raped and murdered some girl! He was this goth black dude. Kinda big. Had long nails, wore eyeliner....lots of spiked collars, wore a trench coat with ENORMOUS spikes on the shoulders. Yea, apparently this girl kept pestering him "Why do you look so sad all the time" and he just lost it and raped & murdered her. He killed her by "repeated blows with a sharp object". I'm guessing one of his collars. That shit is really scary to me, because I've talked to him before! He was at one of my husband's shows! I remember telling him to stick around cos Rob's band was playing. I wonder if he was thinking "Fresh meat.....baby inside, added bonus".....or if he just snapped. ::shudders:: scary shit.
I think that's the end of my update.....I've moved in with Shaun, so I'm with Rob all the time now. Rhiannon is doing fine, she should be home soon. The NC music scene sucks, and all the scene whores need to be burned at the stake. My set still isn't queued, stop asking. And.....that's all. Give me updates on your busy lives.
1.) I miss the Rob already. He left about 10 minutes ago. His poop-head band is going to NY to play a show.....Long Island to be exact. How many clubs are on Long Island? It's apparently a big club.....they go on @ 7:45. Their name is Tramping Ground, if anyone is in the area, go see em. Make sure my husband doesn't fight anyone.

2.) There was a fight @ the last Tramping Ground show before their departure for NY. I would love to go on record and say this: ANYONE from the Infected camp who has said shit to the effect of "Your man is a bitch", "I'm gonna beat your man's ass", "My boys are gonna fuck your man up"........blow me. You claim to be so big, bad, and hxc, MY ass was standing between Rob and that big motherfucker the ENTIRE fight. You were standing on the sidelines not doing shit. YOU are the bitch, Kay? Thanx. (Basically, it was a long night for the Angel....luckily, the only injury on our side was my bruised knee. LOL....I took a picture, just WAIT til our internet gets back up and running.)
3.) I did a photoshoot with Asrai. I don't remember when. I also don't even know what day it is. I'm in a ball of confusion. But yea, she's got a whopping one picture in her candids. When we get our cds with the pix on em, we'll share. Maybe.

4.) My arms feel wobbly from holding Rob back during the fight. That was my accidental work out. Ugh.
5.) My hair is magenta. I got the other side of my lip pierced. I'm a fucking freak! Don't ask for pictures, I cannot stress enough, I have no internet, I'm at a friends house. When I get the internet back, there shall be a massive update of pix. I promise.
6.) On the schedule tomorrow: wake up (if I so choose to sleep), go to the hospital to see Rhiannon, go to my mum's house to fetch my phone charger, my photobook and my eyeliner sharpener, possibly get a creamcheese bagel, come back to Rob's guitar players house, watch the kids, put them to bed, think about sleeping, count the hours til Rob gets home. Insert "Take Shower" in there somewhere. Maybe.
7.) I shall be smoking the entire day.
8.) Rob will need to get his Ambien prescription filled for me when he goes to NY to record for a month. I cannot sleep without him.

9.) I have a piercing question, cos I'm really at a loss here. MY LIP HURTS!!!! When did I get it done ::thinks::.....Whatever day I did my photoshoot with Asrai.....I'm assuming thursday (dec 30th). I was the testing dummy for this 15 yr old apprentice. I have been soaking with salt water, washing it with Dial soap, doing everything I normally do to heal a new piercing. IT FUCKING HURTS AND IT'S VERY MAD AT ME! I haven't really been playing with it, and lets get personal: I haven't been sucking dick either. I've been doing this shit since I got it. And nothing is helping. I tried putting bacitracin on it, but I have a feeling that it's gonna do nothing but make me sick (cos I'm eating it as well.....NOT deliberately, you fucktards!

10.) I am very cute and cuddly. I'm also fairly strong. If Rob weighs like 190lbs and I was holding him back, I could hurt someone, I bet. I could atleast give a good shove. Will someone teach me to fight? I think I'm a lost cause; punching people in the face makes me squeemish.
11.) OMG! I found out this dude that frequented Goth Nights around my area raped and murdered some girl! He was this goth black dude. Kinda big. Had long nails, wore eyeliner....lots of spiked collars, wore a trench coat with ENORMOUS spikes on the shoulders. Yea, apparently this girl kept pestering him "Why do you look so sad all the time" and he just lost it and raped & murdered her. He killed her by "repeated blows with a sharp object". I'm guessing one of his collars. That shit is really scary to me, because I've talked to him before! He was at one of my husband's shows! I remember telling him to stick around cos Rob's band was playing. I wonder if he was thinking "Fresh meat.....baby inside, added bonus".....or if he just snapped. ::shudders:: scary shit.

I think that's the end of my update.....I've moved in with Shaun, so I'm with Rob all the time now. Rhiannon is doing fine, she should be home soon. The NC music scene sucks, and all the scene whores need to be burned at the stake. My set still isn't queued, stop asking. And.....that's all. Give me updates on your busy lives.
hugs to you.
Photo on the 17th; awww, you two do look great together. I like seeing couples like that. Class. Congrats on Rhiannon.
[Edited on Jan 08, 2005 11:39PM]