This is my ass. It's also my new tattoo. Ooh and ahh! I must add this to the "Body Mods" folder. Wahoo! I'm one cold critter. Brrrrr. It's 1:14 am. And I just am NOT tired. I shouldn't have made the Rob take me home. I hear bells ringing. LOL My cat Paige is fucking with Xmas ornaments. Speaking of Xmas, how was everyone's? I got alot of neat Hello Kitty shit. Rob has a show coming up. YAAAAAYE! I'll be looking very cute for this show. Yes, yes I will. lol. Cos there are alot of people who are going to be there who claim to hate me, but seem to thrive on what I wear, what I do, etc. LOL, actually I just want to show my skinny self off. I'm getting the other side of my lip pierced. I'm fairly excited. I've gotten too lazy to pierce myself nowadays. Oh, speaking of the show, someone AWFUL is going to be there. Well....a few awful people are going to be there, but one in particular. One bitch who wanted to get with my man back in the day, then tried to kiss my fucking ass after I informed her that I was still fucking him, and he didn't like her. LOL. She's going. I think she knows better that to talk to me or Rob. Not because I think I'm big & bad & scary, but because her new friends will disown her just like they did to me if they talk to us. Boo hoo, isn't that a tragedy. WAHHHH. I hope my e-stalker is still around to inform everyone that I am indeed talking shit! LOL. I'm such a damn loser. heh. I changed my 1st poopy diaper today. 1 down, 1 million more to go. heh. The nurse was such a slackass! I went to change Rhiannon's diaper and it was VERY full. So I was like "Yep, I'm right. New diaper time." And the nurse was like "Oh it was dirty? I'm glad I skipped changing her diaper!" That pissed me off. It also pissed me off that when I was cleaning Rhiannon off, some of the poop was like....dried to her bum. I couldn't even get it all off. I was very dipleased. Being too busy to change everyone's diaper is one thing. Being deliberately slack is completely another.

Was Santa good to you?
Yus, I got no coal. heh. I got lots of Hello Kitty things, por exam: A TOASTER! It is SO cute, it makes an imprint of her face on the toast! I also got the new Rammstein cd, which I've been dying for. And new socks! Very exciting.
What did you do for Xmas?
Blew my fucking nose! I had quite a headcold Xmas eve & Xmas. It was lovely. Other than that, I ate din din with the fam, spent some time with the other fam (Rob & Rhiannon), and...that was it. I got some ass the day after Xmas cos I was just too sick for it on Xmas.
What's on for New Years?
As if I don't know! Well, it's become quite obvious that Ms. Rhiannon won't be home for New Years, so I've got no plans. I derno wtf might be going on with Rob's bandmates and such. If there's a party, I guess I'm going. However, I refuse to hit the same bowl as 20 other drunk rednecks. No no. And since there will be no Malibu at a redneck new years bash....I'll be one sxe critter (ba-fucking-ha). I plan on getting some ass and THIS YEAR me and the rob are gonna see the ball drop. Last year we were out in search of wine. We missed the ball drop because a lady wouldn't sell Rob alcohol products because there was a minor (me) present.
Until next time...