Hello SG.....
And we're back to the regular boring Boo journal updates. Wahoo! I've been frying my brains out with weed since Friday. The only day I haven't gotten high was yesterday (sunday). I got high with a girl who is 16 (my brother's age....eeep!), but she is cool as FUCK! But anyway, yea, got high with her Friday & today, and got high with Rob's drummer on Saturday. I'm sleepy as fuck. Rob has quit drinking & smoking....go him, yayyyyeeeee! We went to see baby today. She was being a crabass. She kept crying, and pulling her tube out of her nose and it made me nauseated. Lets see, as for updates, she's lost weight cos they took her off IV (its just water weight). Shes like 3lbs 9oz. Other than that and her complete disdain for her feeding tube, she's doing great. The dr's said she was gonnabe @ the top of the list to move to the intermediate care nursery. YAYE! I went to Rob's work today and saw alotta people that he works with. They all congratulated me and asked alotta damn ?'s! I hafta go apply for SSI this week. For Baby, not me. LOL. Oh I got recognized today. LOL....this girl @ my 16yr old friend's house was like "I've seen you naked on the internet!" I was like YAYE! Heh. I wasn't high yet. Tomorrow I have a math test to fail. Then me and my mum are going to go buy me some clothes for my bday. We aren't really fighting anymore, but I'm sure there will be bad goings-on when I roll out. But oh well. Atleast I'll have new clothes. I wish my period was OVER! I want head. I give Rob head, why can't i get some. Oh yea, cos I'm all nasty. MAKE IT STOP! I want sex for Xmas. And I want sex for New Years. I realized I can't get TOO drunk/high/whatever this holiday cos Baby will prolly be home by then. Eh....maybe not. I'm not all too sure. Anyways, my mum is forcing me off here, so no questions. How about you guys ask me questions again. I love questions, fun fun fun! Entertain me
And we're back to the regular boring Boo journal updates. Wahoo! I've been frying my brains out with weed since Friday. The only day I haven't gotten high was yesterday (sunday). I got high with a girl who is 16 (my brother's age....eeep!), but she is cool as FUCK! But anyway, yea, got high with her Friday & today, and got high with Rob's drummer on Saturday. I'm sleepy as fuck. Rob has quit drinking & smoking....go him, yayyyyeeeee! We went to see baby today. She was being a crabass. She kept crying, and pulling her tube out of her nose and it made me nauseated. Lets see, as for updates, she's lost weight cos they took her off IV (its just water weight). Shes like 3lbs 9oz. Other than that and her complete disdain for her feeding tube, she's doing great. The dr's said she was gonnabe @ the top of the list to move to the intermediate care nursery. YAYE! I went to Rob's work today and saw alotta people that he works with. They all congratulated me and asked alotta damn ?'s! I hafta go apply for SSI this week. For Baby, not me. LOL. Oh I got recognized today. LOL....this girl @ my 16yr old friend's house was like "I've seen you naked on the internet!" I was like YAYE! Heh. I wasn't high yet. Tomorrow I have a math test to fail. Then me and my mum are going to go buy me some clothes for my bday. We aren't really fighting anymore, but I'm sure there will be bad goings-on when I roll out. But oh well. Atleast I'll have new clothes. I wish my period was OVER! I want head. I give Rob head, why can't i get some. Oh yea, cos I'm all nasty. MAKE IT STOP! I want sex for Xmas. And I want sex for New Years. I realized I can't get TOO drunk/high/whatever this holiday cos Baby will prolly be home by then. Eh....maybe not. I'm not all too sure. Anyways, my mum is forcing me off here, so no questions. How about you guys ask me questions again. I love questions, fun fun fun! Entertain me

I'm sure you will reach the right decision.
As far as snakes are concerned, it's not really a big deal they sold you a snake who was about to shed...it's sort of irrelevant. I'm sure your BF has learned his lesson about live food, but it's pretty much a common rule of thumb to feed either prekilled or thawed "prey". I had a Guyanese red tail who was about 10 feet and I currently have a baby Columbian red tail. And a Gaboon viper, a Desert Horned Viper and two Squaminger vipers. I quite like snakes.
Couples who adopt children, specifially special needs children, are totally prepared and interested in supporting those extreme needs. Scrutiny and assessment of those couples is intense and costly. If they can pay tens of thousands of dollars TO adopt, I would seriously doubt any couple would be interested in your baby because of a PAYOUT.
However, foster care systems have far less scrutiny of placement homes and are frequently used for the payouts. Foster care agencies can keep children in their rotation for longer periods of time than they shold because it keeps their income up.
If there was a home lined up, it would be preferable to dropping her into the "System" for sure.