Meep meep meep, happy thanksgiving everyone!
Look, ish TIMMAYYY! LOL. And Gobbles, of course. Anywho, what the fuck is up? I'm glad to be alive, cos I thought I was gonna die there for a little while. I had got this buggie bite on my leg on sunday I think. Atleast thats when I had noticed it. It looked like a regular mosquito bite. Then on tuesday it started to itch and swell and look funny. I put baking soda & water on it to see if there was a stinger in it. That didn't help. I put benedryl on it. Didn't help. So I was like meh. So yesterday I woke up feeling like complete booty. I felt like I had the flu. So I made my man take me to the walk in med center. But they were all closed! So I went to the emergency room, and for the 1st time ever, they took me right in! To make a long story short, my bug bite is nothing (which I dont believe), my heart rate was too fast and my blood pressure was too low or some shit, and I was dehydrated. Oh and I have a bladder infection. They were gonna hook me up to an IV but they gave me a nice glass of water instead (thank GOD!). I feel alot better today. But I made my brother take pix of my leg, so whenever we get em onto el computer I'll post em and make you all sick!!!
My man has started drinking again.
clean and sober for like 2 months and hes started drinking and smoking. I've cried for like the past 4 days. I'm so upset. I cannot deal with this at all. But he's realized how much it hurts me and how serious it is to me, and he says he'll stop. So I guess pray for him, or whatever it is you do. Plus he needs to quit smoking b/c it ruins his octaves. And the new band he's in, he needs all the octaves he can get. Last practice they tried to cover "Chop Suey" by SOAD. It was fucking KILLER. He pulled off all the shrieky obnoxious screaming parts, and he (and his guitar player) fuckin nailed the harmonies at the end. And the whole band learned to play that song from like 5 minutes. This band has alot of potential, even tho they're just a cover band. So he needs to quit fucking up his vocals w/ cigarettes!!!!! Mehhhhh. Lets see. I'm 7 months pregnant everyone. I am soooo ready to get this crazy baby out of my tummy! I derno if it's b/c of my bladder infection or it's just maternity pains and such but I can't sleep for SHIT. My tummy always hurts really really bad like cramps and such and I can't make them go away. I derno what causes it. ::yawn:: welp, I'm sleepy. I'm gonna go lay down for a bit. Nite nite! heh....2 days til my bday!
Edited to add my crazy leg!!!!! This bite is seriously bigger than my nipple. What. The. Fuck.

Look, ish TIMMAYYY! LOL. And Gobbles, of course. Anywho, what the fuck is up? I'm glad to be alive, cos I thought I was gonna die there for a little while. I had got this buggie bite on my leg on sunday I think. Atleast thats when I had noticed it. It looked like a regular mosquito bite. Then on tuesday it started to itch and swell and look funny. I put baking soda & water on it to see if there was a stinger in it. That didn't help. I put benedryl on it. Didn't help. So I was like meh. So yesterday I woke up feeling like complete booty. I felt like I had the flu. So I made my man take me to the walk in med center. But they were all closed! So I went to the emergency room, and for the 1st time ever, they took me right in! To make a long story short, my bug bite is nothing (which I dont believe), my heart rate was too fast and my blood pressure was too low or some shit, and I was dehydrated. Oh and I have a bladder infection. They were gonna hook me up to an IV but they gave me a nice glass of water instead (thank GOD!). I feel alot better today. But I made my brother take pix of my leg, so whenever we get em onto el computer I'll post em and make you all sick!!!

Edited to add my crazy leg!!!!! This bite is seriously bigger than my nipple. What. The. Fuck.

hope so.
and happy belated birthday!