Define Irony: I have gotten a few birthday gifts from people already, yet some people in my extended, but not TOO extended family don't even buy me shit anymore. Schiavona has sent me a phat ass pair-o-shoes and a Betty Page keychain (I shall take piccie-poo's, I promise!!!!). And I've talked to him only a few times! He just felt bad for me cos I'm one stubborn motherfucker and I didn't wanna buy new shoes (actually I'm just poor) and planned to wear my flip flops all winter. The adoptive parents have sent me an initial pillow with feathers and leopard print (it's really cute, but it hasta live in my closet cos the kitten thinks it's dinner), Hello Kitty stickers, and Lisa Frank fake tats (cos I can't get any real ones this year and I guess they feel bad for me. LOL). nail_boy has sent off these nifty ass bracelets he makes, so I'm awaiting their arrival. Yet my aunt and uncle on my mum's side aren't even going to send me a card. What a mean bunch of peoples. I'm kinda sad b/c I wanted this Hello Kitty alarm clock fer my brithday. It's an apple that plays CD's (and I guess displays the time) and a little Hello Kitty figure is standing by it. They've apparently done away with this clock and returned to the old model (which I already's a little banged up, but its alright). WHAT THE FUUUUUUCK. Meep. So now I hafta figure out sumthin else I want my mum to get me. What a pain in the bum. Ah well, I like presents and birthdays and cake and such so fuckit, I'll quit bitching. I've created a Live Journal account thing. I derno if I really like it very much, and how often I'll use it, but whatever. I really fucking despise websites that let you do the cheesy standards for free, like they're doing you some sort of fucking favor, and put a cost on the cool shit. They write silly shit like "We hate paying sites, so you can write 3 words and post one picture that can only be 2kb (2x2 only!) for free!....however, so we don't bombard you with pop ups, you can 'make a contribution' and actually get to use colors other than black and white!" Well damn, THANK YOU! I like SG b/c it's pretty much all or nothing. I know non members can read SOME journals, but you can't see any pix, or post any comments for free. I derno, can you read the articles? Like I said, I like SG cos it's basically saying "You can do fun shit...if you pay to be a member. Otherwise, the fun shit is kinda off limits." THANK YOU. I also like Myspace. Explain this to me tho: A website takes money to maintain, yes? Yes. Apparently sponsors (AKA the cause of pop ups) pay the site owners, hence helping them run the site, yes? Yes. Why does Myspace have so many nifty features, and so few pop ups? I've never gotten more than one add running across my screen. I know that half the time Myspace is acting funny, but jeez, for a free site that lets you do all sorts of fun shit and post huge ass pix and bloggies, why don't I get "bombarded with popups"? I dern get it! Meep, I'm exhausted as fuck. 7 days til my birthday. WEE! Let me think of some dumbass ?'s to ask:
What's your favorite flavor of Goldfish crackers?
I like the plain ones or the Pizza ones.
Who's your favorite Limbo Girl?
Lucy. I woulda said Felidae but the blue fairy came down, bopped her on the nose w/ her wand and turned her into a real boy....I mean SG.
What are you doing for thank-you's giving?
Well....I derno. Usually I eat din din with the fam, but the fam is going to a neighbors house to eat! WTF! So I'm going to try to steal some of the contributions my mum is making. Then I'm going to work on my birthday surprise for you people! I can't tell what it is, and don't get too excited, it's going to be more fun for me. LOL.
What is your favorite Tim Burton movie?
Beetlejuice. YAYE!
What's your favorite flavor of Goldfish crackers?
I like the plain ones or the Pizza ones.
Who's your favorite Limbo Girl?
Lucy. I woulda said Felidae but the blue fairy came down, bopped her on the nose w/ her wand and turned her into a real boy....I mean SG.
What are you doing for thank-you's giving?
Well....I derno. Usually I eat din din with the fam, but the fam is going to a neighbors house to eat! WTF! So I'm going to try to steal some of the contributions my mum is making. Then I'm going to work on my birthday surprise for you people! I can't tell what it is, and don't get too excited, it's going to be more fun for me. LOL.
What is your favorite Tim Burton movie?
Beetlejuice. YAYE!

Wierd and fuzzy and cute. You are absolutely right. And the cat was cool too
. Until next time...

I was in Raleigh this summer for a bit (visiting the boy in Winston-Salem). It was very... um, humid. Well, there seem to be lots of good medical facilities there, which is awesome... I hope you find good resources