Had to start a new journal entry to make Lucy the Limbogirl of the day....or however long I wait to make a new entry. I shall write more when I feel like it!!!!
Go say hi cos I'm god and I said. MEH.
OK! Time to add more. Ish 3:18 am. I should be sleeping. But I'm not. So neener neener. Pregnancy has SO many levels of suckdom. Sex: fun. Worrying about going into early labor during or after sex: not fun. Shaving: necessary (I wouldn't really call that FUN). Having a difficult as FUCK time cos my tummy is so big: not fun. Peeing: necessary (once again, not really great fun). Wondering "do I really have to pee or is it just the baby pressing on my bladder?" which leads to holding it after many false alarms and possibly ending out in the hospital with a ruptured bladder: not fun. Big boobies: fun! Knowing the big boobies will go away after I have the baby, thus making my free 34D Victoria's Secret bra highly unserviceable: not fun. I could truly go on forever but I'm getting sleepy so I'm not going to. All I hafta say is BE CAREFUL and try your DAMNEST not to get pregnant. I realized on the car ride home that there is nothing "cute" or "special" about ridiculous nagging pain that lasts a good 3 hrs. after sex. There is nothing "cute" or "special" about wearing sweatpants, cos quite frankly I hate them. There is nothing "cute" or "special" about having a creepy-ass outtie bellybutton sans a bellyring! Errgggle! So yea, ladies, keep your legs shut, gentlemen, do what you do best: wank off.
It's all so much easier this way! Do I have any good questions? Hmmm.....
Who will buy me tattoos after I have the baby?
I will, I will! heh....
With the whole site malfunction today, if you could change on SG feature what would it be?
I want coloured font. And I want "New Girl November" which consists only of new sets so my boobies will finally make their debut and I can shoot a new set! Oh wait... Shooting sets: FUN! Shooting sets with huge round tummies: not fun!
What was your favorite Chapelle's Show moment?
There are so many! 1.) When he was the blind black man who thought he was a white KKK member. ::riding along side white kids blasting rap music:: "Turn that n----- music down! Booga Booga n-----!" (N-----= a bad word for coloured folk, if you didn't get the hint...that word sucks) 2.) Lil Jon. "Have a nice flight sir" "WHAT!" "Have a nice flight sir" "WHAT!" [about 5 minutes later] "Have a nice flight sir" "OKAAAAAAY!" 3.) Rick James and his "glowing aura". 4.) The white family with the offensive N-word for a last name. ::dressed as the milk man:: "Well if it isn't my favorite family to deliver to! The N-----'s!" Dave Chappelle likes to use the N-word......in my defense however, I do not use that word, so no one is allowed to get angry at me for quoting Dave Chappelle!!!!! I don't condone the use of that word, unless you yourself are black. I guess thats OK....but I'm not black, so I don't use that word, dammit!!!!
PS: Since she asked so nicely....Go see Chelsea as well!!!!!

OK! Time to add more. Ish 3:18 am. I should be sleeping. But I'm not. So neener neener. Pregnancy has SO many levels of suckdom. Sex: fun. Worrying about going into early labor during or after sex: not fun. Shaving: necessary (I wouldn't really call that FUN). Having a difficult as FUCK time cos my tummy is so big: not fun. Peeing: necessary (once again, not really great fun). Wondering "do I really have to pee or is it just the baby pressing on my bladder?" which leads to holding it after many false alarms and possibly ending out in the hospital with a ruptured bladder: not fun. Big boobies: fun! Knowing the big boobies will go away after I have the baby, thus making my free 34D Victoria's Secret bra highly unserviceable: not fun. I could truly go on forever but I'm getting sleepy so I'm not going to. All I hafta say is BE CAREFUL and try your DAMNEST not to get pregnant. I realized on the car ride home that there is nothing "cute" or "special" about ridiculous nagging pain that lasts a good 3 hrs. after sex. There is nothing "cute" or "special" about wearing sweatpants, cos quite frankly I hate them. There is nothing "cute" or "special" about having a creepy-ass outtie bellybutton sans a bellyring! Errgggle! So yea, ladies, keep your legs shut, gentlemen, do what you do best: wank off.

Who will buy me tattoos after I have the baby?
I will, I will! heh....
With the whole site malfunction today, if you could change on SG feature what would it be?
I want coloured font. And I want "New Girl November" which consists only of new sets so my boobies will finally make their debut and I can shoot a new set! Oh wait... Shooting sets: FUN! Shooting sets with huge round tummies: not fun!
What was your favorite Chapelle's Show moment?
There are so many! 1.) When he was the blind black man who thought he was a white KKK member. ::riding along side white kids blasting rap music:: "Turn that n----- music down! Booga Booga n-----!" (N-----= a bad word for coloured folk, if you didn't get the hint...that word sucks) 2.) Lil Jon. "Have a nice flight sir" "WHAT!" "Have a nice flight sir" "WHAT!" [about 5 minutes later] "Have a nice flight sir" "OKAAAAAAY!" 3.) Rick James and his "glowing aura". 4.) The white family with the offensive N-word for a last name. ::dressed as the milk man:: "Well if it isn't my favorite family to deliver to! The N-----'s!" Dave Chappelle likes to use the N-word......in my defense however, I do not use that word, so no one is allowed to get angry at me for quoting Dave Chappelle!!!!! I don't condone the use of that word, unless you yourself are black. I guess thats OK....but I'm not black, so I don't use that word, dammit!!!!

PS: Since she asked so nicely....Go see Chelsea as well!!!!!

color font would be awesome
I'z checkin out some of yer piccies and I'va come to realize your ears look like l'il candy stores and I wanna lick em
questions, hmmmm:
I'miz seeking employment so I'm broke, but I'miz supposed to start an apprenticeship in january! I'll ink ya
friend "status": online or not?!? music chosen by today's SG
the Nig__r Family!! Funniest shit I've ever seen on tv.