::meep of anguish:: I FUCKING HATE AMERICA! BOOGA BOOGA! heh. Actually I do not hate America. I just hate people who live here. Vanessa wrote a journal entry about members turning against each other b/c of who one another voted for. I was like "wtf, I haven't seen anything like that...." I stand corrected. Vanessa, feel free to kick me in the face. I do not understand people's logic whatsoever. I mean.....MEEP! (if you people haven't realized...."meep" is like...my little exclamation of anger/confusion/whatever) We are Suicide Girls (and boys too I guess....heh). In reference to the models only: Missy picked us b/c we are independent, smart, strong ass motherfuckers (and we have nice tits). I know you members are just as strong and smart as us. You all know what the fuck is up. So WTF is the problem here? Are we all getting too big for are britches? I know I am.....6 months preggers will do that for ya! In all seriousness, wtf? Correct me if I'm wrong: you guys are worried for our future, our country, and ladies: our uterus. You KNOW Bush isn't out for our best interest. We are all we've got. We need to stick together as a people. So why are we turning against each other???? I am THE biggest asshole ever....I have a bad bad attitude, and I couldn't give a lesser fuck who I offend when I'm angry or headstrong about sumthin. And I'm not mad at the republican voters OR the non-voters. Their choice is their choice. So quit making an ass of yourselves!!!!! ::kicks:: Blah. My point is this: Sitting about saying "fuck the republicans" or "fuck the non voters" or I guess in some cases "fuck the democrats" isn't going to do a DAMN thing but make everyone angry and make America an even more suck ass place to be. Cos we'll all be blaming each other for the fate of America when George Bush is really the one who's fucking around with our fate. In NC, we have 10 electoral votes (I've actually heard we have 15, but since I'm nothing more than an "uninformed asshole who's too lazy to educate myself" I'm going with 10 b/c the math is easier). Bush got 60% of NC's votes and Kerry got 40%. Instead of Kerry gettin 4 of the electoral votes and Bush gettin 6, Bush got all 10 (or all 15, whichever). The way I see it: The state/govnt/whoever chooses to work the distribution of electoral votes this way. So obviously 40% of people put forth the effort to vote for Kerry.....and their votes counted for jack shit. So if you wanna bitch to anyone, bitch to the state for distributing our electoral votes like a bunch of fucktards. Better yet, bitch to the fuckin Govnt. if you don't like something! Stand the fuck up and PROTEST! JESUS! Heres an example for the ladies: They're trying to steal our birth control pills.....they probably have plans to steal our uterus, too! So be constructive, and organize a protest. Write a petition. Send an article to the paper. Do something. Don't sit around and say "Everyone who didn't vote for Kerry sold my uterus to the govnt! fuck you!" That isn't going to do any good. Instead of bitching amongst yourselves, and playing the voter blame game, suck it up and make a difference. I promise you guys: Hating each other will only make it more difficult to get our point across. When we SHOULD be protesting for our birth control, we'll be bashing each other with our "My uterus, my choice" signs. ::le sigh:: You guys suck. (j/k) Stay strong. Quit being asses. "don't hate the player, hate the game".....how about "don't hate the voters...hate the lame ass president"...anyway......

It was the lesser of two evils and both had suck-ass things going on...
in short, I concur.
Fuck em all.