Is it just me or does Clifford from the muppets look like a multi coloured lil jon?
he does. Anyway. I've worked out my finances, and if my dad can get me a job with this man he knows, I will be getting my own apartment after I have el baby. I got the job @ Victoria's Secret...and my family has managed to fuck me over as always. OK my mum told me that I cannot have a car til I have a job. I used to have a car, but when I moved out my mum took it away cos I couldn't pay for it (I hadda pay for the payments on it and the insurance). Now she's given it to my brother, who doesn't even HAVE a drivers license. And she's been making the payments on it for lets see...atleast 9 months. So that means by the time he has a license, he'll only have to pay for the insurance. neighbors were supposed to give me their old car when I got a job. So I have a job....and they're like "oh....there's something wrong with it....we don't know what it is". So I have no way to GET to my fucking job. My mum can only give me rides somedays, and my friends hafta come pick me up. So I'm gonnabe at the mall for a LONG time some days. ::sighs:: But yea, back to the story of the apartment. I'm working my ex into my financing. I'm thinking we're gonna move back in together. I'm really nervous about this. I derno if I'm making the right choice. I'm scared he'll cheat on me. I'm scared he'll go back to being a drug addict/alcoholic. I'm scared of alot of shit. And now I dont even know wtf our future looks like cos some record producer found them a cheap studio in NY to record in. So I'll be without him for god knows how long. Whilst he's in NY fucking god knows who. Whilst I'm at home awaiting the baby, and getting NO booty! Erg. I hate his stupid band ::kicks::. I'm not going to rant about the election and our sorry excuse for a new president, I'm just gonna say I had a dream that me and my ex moved to Canada to go live with Hexe. I think alot of people are having that dream (Hexe, you will be making ALOT of spaghetti). UGH I'm tired as fuck. Lets see if I can think of any questions for you rotten rotten readers to ignore
If you could warn me to not see ANY horror movie, which would it be and why?
If anyone has had the desire to see "Dead Alive", don't bother. It's a god awful old brit film. It makes absolutely ZERO sense, and there are absolutely ZERO boobies. Unless you count the monster at the end. She had boobies...but they, like this movie, were GOD AWFUL. Claymation, no less.
Which band do you think at one point looked really really shitty, then came out with a new album and looked alot better (example: Metallica without the metal hair)?
Green Day. Most definately. Tre Cool was starting to look like someones fat slobby uncle. And with the release of American Idiot, they all look ridiculously hotter (altho Mike Dirnt has never really looked any different).
When did you first discover masturbation?
LOL I dont even remember. I've been a chronic masturbator since I was very young. Cos I'm a freak.
Have you people noticed my birthday is coming up? Will anyone buy me something off my Hello Kitty wishlist?

he does. Anyway. I've worked out my finances, and if my dad can get me a job with this man he knows, I will be getting my own apartment after I have el baby. I got the job @ Victoria's Secret...and my family has managed to fuck me over as always. OK my mum told me that I cannot have a car til I have a job. I used to have a car, but when I moved out my mum took it away cos I couldn't pay for it (I hadda pay for the payments on it and the insurance). Now she's given it to my brother, who doesn't even HAVE a drivers license. And she's been making the payments on it for lets see...atleast 9 months. So that means by the time he has a license, he'll only have to pay for the insurance. neighbors were supposed to give me their old car when I got a job. So I have a job....and they're like "oh....there's something wrong with it....we don't know what it is". So I have no way to GET to my fucking job. My mum can only give me rides somedays, and my friends hafta come pick me up. So I'm gonnabe at the mall for a LONG time some days. ::sighs:: But yea, back to the story of the apartment. I'm working my ex into my financing. I'm thinking we're gonna move back in together. I'm really nervous about this. I derno if I'm making the right choice. I'm scared he'll cheat on me. I'm scared he'll go back to being a drug addict/alcoholic. I'm scared of alot of shit. And now I dont even know wtf our future looks like cos some record producer found them a cheap studio in NY to record in. So I'll be without him for god knows how long. Whilst he's in NY fucking god knows who. Whilst I'm at home awaiting the baby, and getting NO booty! Erg. I hate his stupid band ::kicks::. I'm not going to rant about the election and our sorry excuse for a new president, I'm just gonna say I had a dream that me and my ex moved to Canada to go live with Hexe. I think alot of people are having that dream (Hexe, you will be making ALOT of spaghetti). UGH I'm tired as fuck. Lets see if I can think of any questions for you rotten rotten readers to ignore

If you could warn me to not see ANY horror movie, which would it be and why?
If anyone has had the desire to see "Dead Alive", don't bother. It's a god awful old brit film. It makes absolutely ZERO sense, and there are absolutely ZERO boobies. Unless you count the monster at the end. She had boobies...but they, like this movie, were GOD AWFUL. Claymation, no less.
Which band do you think at one point looked really really shitty, then came out with a new album and looked alot better (example: Metallica without the metal hair)?
Green Day. Most definately. Tre Cool was starting to look like someones fat slobby uncle. And with the release of American Idiot, they all look ridiculously hotter (altho Mike Dirnt has never really looked any different).
When did you first discover masturbation?
LOL I dont even remember. I've been a chronic masturbator since I was very young. Cos I'm a freak.

Have you people noticed my birthday is coming up? Will anyone buy me something off my Hello Kitty wishlist?
And really ... I forgot everything else I was gonna say ... except that you deserve a spanking for that comment.
this is one of my cat, McKill:
how sweet he is, huh???