I feel kinda dorky for updating like...a day after I just posted sumthin. But its OK. I dern care!!! My set didn't go up and Im kinda sad, but not entirely shocked. LOL. I really wasnt expecting it to....it just woulda been nice. My new determined set date ish Nov. 27th cos thats my b'day! hehehe. I should email Missy and be like "ish my birthday, put my set up!!!!"...then get zotted for harassing her!! ::sits quietly and awaits the launch of her set:: Well yup, this weekend I spent in the company of my husband. We didn't go trick or treating...we didn't have any candy....He played a show with his silly band (all the bands that I saw play were pretty crappy, and robs band didnt have that good of a night....his guitar players strings kept breaking)..we got some groceries...and we just layed around and fucked. I think its getting to the point in my pregnancy that sex isnt such a good idea. Cos we fucked today, and I almost threw up/passed out/died. LOL. The sex was great, the after effects SUCKED. But I was happy cos my husband layed down with me and tried to take care of me, and I fell asleep and woke up in his arms (and I felt better too), and he was happy cos he got to watch football w/o hearing me bitch, LOL. Ooh and I came to a realization this weekend! I have a crazy E-stalker! EEP! Apparently there is someone who I don't know who frequents my SG journal and reports back everything I say to everyone I say shit about! So now I don't have to worry about saying shit about people I hate and wondering if they read it, cos I have someone who will do me the service of delivering linkage to my journals via IM. Altho, I'm not sure if I really believe such a person exists. You know how no one wants to admit they read their enemies journals. It makes them look desperate I guess. Psh, you think I give a fuck? Sometimes boredom strikes, or theres a link on their site that you need to access and you say "hey look a journal entry BLATANTLY addressed to me!" I guess the only thing that is disappointing is that these *friends o' mine* must have gotten the impression somewhere that they're so above me to be able to say "you're back with your ex, we cant be your friend anymore" and judge me...you're not too big and bad to talk shit and post journals about me on here now are you? LOL that would make me laugh. I can just see it "Boo is a whore, and a drama queen, and blah blah blah" and provide linkage and everything. BAHHHHAAAAA! Do it. That might enthrall me even more than my set going up (I think NOT!!). Maybe it will happen once my e-stalker reads this new entry and sends off IMs. Since I'm so fuckin interesting and people scout my journals, everyone: when you leave comments, dont forget to say howdy to my estalker and my favourite morons (who consequentially are one in the same)...they'll receive notice of this journal anyway, you may as well be kind and courteous, unlike me! blah blah blahhhhh. ::stretches:: welp, thats the rant of the day....now its your turn. I want a nice rant about something/someone that pisses you off. I don't care what its about.....politix, turtles snapping off toes (haha!), school, bois/girls....even ME (since I'm everyone's favourite topic of discussion)....I want some good rants. DOOOO IT! 

Whew!! Fun yet long and I hurt now. Thanks a lot! The least you dould do is add me as a friend so that I can check back often. Until next time...