1st of all I'd like to say you peoples are fucking AWESOME! and yay for all these questions, I love this game!!!! Here are yer answers.....
~If you could choose any way to die, what method would you choose? I think it would hafta be slit wrists in the bathtub. I know, how cliche. I've tried it enough times, I may as well get it right, jeeez!
~Do you prefer underwear or commando? I feel funny wearing pants w/o underwear. The real question is do i prefer boi briefs to thongs. Hmm..
null~ a)If you were stranded on a deserted island, what three cd's would you take?b)What man(or woman) would you take to be your sex slave? 3 cds: Joan Osbourne's "Relish", Rammstein's "Mutter" and Andre 3000's "Love Below". And my sex slave? Jude Law. Fuck yes.
~What was the first album you bought and do you still have it? I think Sugar Ray "Floored" was one of the 1st. It, along with like every other cd I have, lives with my stupid ex.
~menthol or regular? Newport 100's. does that answer yer question?
~coke or pepsi? Coke. But I really prefer Sprite or Mt. Dew!!!
~what was better for " Ash" the chain saw or the metal hand? I prefered the chainsaw cos by the time he got the metal hand it was just like "dude, these movies are gettin weak!"
~diet or regular? Regular. yum.
~bottle or can? Bottle. You can always put the cap on so buggies wont crawl in, you get more, it holds in the carbonation....bottle wins!
~which was kevin smiths best film? I dont think I like him very much. He directed Dogma tho didnt he? Parts of that were kinda funny....
~what was the best sequence from all of the matrix trilogy? The credits! MEH!!!
~do tattoos hurt? No. My angel heart was my 1st tat, and I'm still alive.
~was shakira better in spanish or now? now. I dont understand spanish, therefore: no fun!
~name three famous dead people that you would want to spend the day with if they could live for that day Joey Ramone...Marilyn Monroe...and I'd do Jeff Buckley
~if you could be a cartoon character who would you be and why? I'd be Rainbow Brite so I could have that lovely hair that I've always dreamed of!!!
~who is your favorite comedian? I've watched alotta good shit by Chris Rock or the dude from Undercover Brother or Martin Lawrence, but the best was Bill Cosby's "Himself". Oi...but the PRETTIEST comedian ish Eddie Izzard.
~If you could live the life of one person for one day who would it be? Courtney Love.
~Why is Judikiss as hard as it gets? Whaaaa...? So confused.
I totally love you all for my questions. that shit is totally a blast! If you ever feel the need to bombard me again, DO IT! and one big collective
for you all!!!
~If you could choose any way to die, what method would you choose? I think it would hafta be slit wrists in the bathtub. I know, how cliche. I've tried it enough times, I may as well get it right, jeeez!
~Do you prefer underwear or commando? I feel funny wearing pants w/o underwear. The real question is do i prefer boi briefs to thongs. Hmm..
null~ a)If you were stranded on a deserted island, what three cd's would you take?b)What man(or woman) would you take to be your sex slave? 3 cds: Joan Osbourne's "Relish", Rammstein's "Mutter" and Andre 3000's "Love Below". And my sex slave? Jude Law. Fuck yes.
~What was the first album you bought and do you still have it? I think Sugar Ray "Floored" was one of the 1st. It, along with like every other cd I have, lives with my stupid ex.
~menthol or regular? Newport 100's. does that answer yer question?

~coke or pepsi? Coke. But I really prefer Sprite or Mt. Dew!!!
~what was better for " Ash" the chain saw or the metal hand? I prefered the chainsaw cos by the time he got the metal hand it was just like "dude, these movies are gettin weak!"
~diet or regular? Regular. yum.
~bottle or can? Bottle. You can always put the cap on so buggies wont crawl in, you get more, it holds in the carbonation....bottle wins!
~which was kevin smiths best film? I dont think I like him very much. He directed Dogma tho didnt he? Parts of that were kinda funny....
~what was the best sequence from all of the matrix trilogy? The credits! MEH!!!
~do tattoos hurt? No. My angel heart was my 1st tat, and I'm still alive.
~was shakira better in spanish or now? now. I dont understand spanish, therefore: no fun!
~name three famous dead people that you would want to spend the day with if they could live for that day Joey Ramone...Marilyn Monroe...and I'd do Jeff Buckley

~if you could be a cartoon character who would you be and why? I'd be Rainbow Brite so I could have that lovely hair that I've always dreamed of!!!
~who is your favorite comedian? I've watched alotta good shit by Chris Rock or the dude from Undercover Brother or Martin Lawrence, but the best was Bill Cosby's "Himself". Oi...but the PRETTIEST comedian ish Eddie Izzard.
~If you could live the life of one person for one day who would it be? Courtney Love.
~Why is Judikiss as hard as it gets? Whaaaa...? So confused.
I totally love you all for my questions. that shit is totally a blast! If you ever feel the need to bombard me again, DO IT! and one big collective

hi- hows it goin? your chestpiece is neato.
yeah i'm all happy and shit!!! haha
you're gorgeous!!! when are YOU up doll?....