I usually wait a day or so to make sure everyone has posted something (and they usually dont, ERRGGG!!!) but i really hafta make an entry today. I went to Jacksonville NC yesterday for my husbands show. His band was too drunk to even play. They sucked ass. My husband was the only one who didnt drink one teensy lil drop of alcohol. He was excited b/c one of his friends from J'ville came out to see him.....(suck)...but yea anyway, for those of you who didnt know J'ville is a huge ass Marine town. That shouldnt matter, but it does, and its the point of my story. Moshing is OK. But deliberately smashing GIRLS when yer a big ass marine is not cool. They didnt smash me, but they kept TRYING to smash my friend Kim (who is also the drummers girl). She kept taking off her shoe to hit em...I was amused. Until they started taking their shoes off and mocking her in their drunken state. Well one thing led to another, and ended out with tire irons, baseball bats, broken beer bottles and what seemed to be the fuckin Irish Mob. The lead singer of the opening band jumped into the crowd of marines to kick some ass (apparently they were trying to kick his wigger friend's ass or some weird shit) and got gashed with a beer bottle. This one marine (in whom I wanted to hurt very badly) kept on sayin shit to my friend Kim (the chick w/ the shoe) like "Hey fat bitch, hey fat bitch...I'm gonna kick your ass". I was so proud of the band, tho.....none of them got involved and got their ass kicked.
The thing that really stands out in my mind tho, is this skinny punker dude in boy-capris, big shoes with white laces, one of those *members only* sort of coats and a baseball bat stomping into the club. ::le sigh:: The point to my story is this: we're supposed to fuckin kiss military affiliates asses b/c they *fight for our country* when not once have I met a decent one!!!! I guess they send all the good guys (and girls) off to Iraq
But people who are like these Marines and Army dudes I have come across make me fuckin ashamed to be an American. and that sucks.

I need some advice on asituation could you help me? i dont have that many peopel to ask.