I havent had the best day. My phone decided to stop working. I went to the Alltel place and got a replacement and......THAT ONE DOESNT WORK EITHER! what the FUUUUUCK. Technology blows. Also found out that my husband is going to DC soon to record his album, and then @ the end of august going on tour. maybe in that time I'll be a SG, missy will realize Im fookin awesome and send me away to the burlesque show and I can be on tour too! is that song Dreamer by Ozzy playing in anyone elses head right now??? its 11:39 here. Im not at all tired. I dont know why either, cos I hardly slept today. and the caffeine in Mt. Dew usually doesnt effect me, im just always tired. whats wrong with meeeee???? ergglebum. I'm going to put my half eaten breadstick back in the box and try to sleep. send me love or I'll DIE!!!! >squee<

good luck on becoming an SG