Hey guys!! just wanna show u my new stuff in my life.
Well, next week we go to record new single with my band Mostacho (FB Mostacho) and we are very excited !! new songs are really kick balls!!
Mostacho's guys!
And my drums set up! !
I have a new camera haha thats the reason how I have a lot of pics hahaha with fish eye lens, I suck as photographer but I don't care, I'm fuckin happy with this lens hahaha
In other news.. A few months ago my grandmother gifted to me old stuff of my late grandfather.. my grandfather was marine barber, yep!, and I don't know I love old barbershop stuff! so when my grandmother gave to me this stuff ooohh fuck! I'll just say .. I'm the new barber of my family. Im just starting, but I'm really good! hahaha really!
My barber shop stuff with my first victim hahah (/.__.)/ sponsored by suavecito pomade! fuck yeah!
In a few weeks I'll post my band single, so see u soon!
And my beard is back haha picsssss !