After an evening of putting up the christmas tree, watching Bernard and the Genie and some greenage, i have decided that Santa Claus the movie (staring Dudley Moore) is the the top Christmas movie in my world. Its just got everything.
I'm starting to feel that sting of being single.

Which I don't mean to come off as nasty as it sounds. I like being single, I like my own space, I like not having to organise my time around someone else but I'm starting to feel a little lonely. I hate admitting it but it's true. I wish I could be a person who doesn't...
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Sorry, I couldn't resist.
Yep, I wanted to be the first to wink at you, just to see if you'd jump into a long term relationship. biggrin

I'm sure that you'll find that someone you're waiting for.
It's almost new year and like most superstitious people, i tend to see it as a new start. I also believe you can have a new start whenever you choose but choosing to start it on new years just makes even more sense.

So, New year for Bonnie means:

Stop the self doubt - it's really stupid. Like seriously stupid.

Using the confidence I've buried...
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i agree with you
200000 percent :]

very well written, dear.
And how about another big holiday like the one you did a few years ago.
Well, i've had an interesting week.

I really can't be bothered going into specific detail about it all, way too hard. Pretty much included at popped tire at 75km, being annoyed at my best friend, another friend losing the $50 present i gave him a half hour after i actually gave it to him and driving for an hour and a half to an extremely...
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that sounds really exciting bonnie.
i'm planning on doing the same thing. i finished my fashion design degree about a year before i left NZ and i've wanted to start my own label ever since!
i've done a lot of screen printing and stuff and i love screen printing on fabrics with my own designs.
being in adelaide and not being able to find work here has just made me more determined to start my own label. i have been sketching like a mad woman lately.
i want to open my own store and sell my clothes and import other brands that i have discovered overseas in my travels and know would sell here really well.
i also want to stock some other stuff...
i hope you do really well with your venture.
adelaide could use some more style in my humble opinion. wink
I think that having your own business would give you so much creative freedom...keep me posted about what you're buying & selling smile
Oooo, that drink's fluorescent!!

And yes, you do look very pretty miss!

And very drunk!! biggrin
No, I didn't write that...it's a Led Zeppelin song. I used to love them and now I'm rediscovering my inner bogan biggrin
I have no idea why but i just bought my very own domain space. $13 a year, not too bad.

Miss Bonnie Blu

There's nothing there just yet but i've given myself a project for the summer since i'll be bored shitless. I'll put my artwork, writing, blog....the usual self promotion that comes with web 2.0.

Any suggestions for what i should add to it?...
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Huge, big HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! kiss kiss

Hope your day is special in all the right ways smile
Missed your birthday, hope you had a fun and happy day smile

Ohh and I have to admit that while I dont have my own domain, I do have 3 different residences on the web provided by my ISP's they all say Under Construction and have been for the past 5 or more years. biggrin
I saw Across the Universe last night and it was one of the most amazing films i have seen in a long long long time. It was so stunningly beautiful and reduced me to tears! The way they worked the songs into the narrative and actually made them fit into the storyline, it blew my fuckin mind every damn song.

I swear, everyone...go and see...
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Where's it showing in Adelaide? What's it about?

(I live in under a rock surreal )
It's my birthday soon. I'll be 25. Yay.

I'm going out to dinner on the 17th with all my nearest and dearest. But my best friend is now living in Queensland, another good mate is going to Melbourne for the weekend and another good mate and i aren't talking.

I just feel like i have no close friends any more and i was just inviting...
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I think that as opposed to celebrating birthdays, the vast majority of the adult population instead has a minor/major crisis every birthday instead. The marking of another year passing means you have to review it.
I served the hot mechanic again today. He's really really hot. He was wearing trackies and a prom queen tshirt. Goddamn. I actually talked to him today too.

Then i found out he has a girlfriend.

I kinda already had figured that out and i'm really okay with it but i have to admit, a part of me was pretty bummed. Oh wells, at least...
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They always do surreal skull
I am just a great big love-tard. The iron love-tard, no less biggrin

I got a quote on my earrings and I think it will be worth it. I am going to have one last scrounge around the jewellery stores because I would hate to have them made only to find what I am looking for at half the cost.
This made me do something in my pants

Ooooh, your new profile pic is tres slinky!! wink
Hehehehe biggrin
