I am teaching this one, folks....
Household Pervertibles. SUNDAY SCHOOL. Mar 13. DC EAGLE.
Sunday, March 13
Doors at 4pm, School at 4:30
639 New York Avenue NW
(one block from the Mount Vernon Metro station)
So you meet the superhottie. This one is smokin', and I ain't
talking cigarettes, baby. You (or she, or he) might even be sorta
new to this spanky spanky business, but godDAM you want this one,
Wait a second.
Do you live with your mom?
Maybe the airlines lost your precious sex toy bag?
I suppose your dungeon is being remodeled?
So you're a little poor these days and can't afford that sweeeeet
deerskin flogger?
Hottie is NOT coming to your house `cause eiwwwwdid your dog did a
big no-no on your carpet?
Brr! It's cold as hell and heyy...that bar bathroom is kinda big.
Or just face it, you just HATE to take out the recycling...
Whatever. We're talking about learning how to use regular household
items for big, naughty and yeah, seriously perverted fun.
Please join the us in our classroom at the DC Eagle for Sunday
School's latest workshop...
CHEAP THRILLS Household Pervertibles (and how to use them!)
Also known as "BDSM on a Budget," this class is guaranteed to show
you, yes you, at least five things you already own that can be used
on the biggest organ of the human body...skin.
- You'll enjoy going to the dentist for the free dental floss when
you learn to do dental floss bondage!
- Q-tips aren't actually supposed to go into the ear canal, but they
never said anything about the...
- Guaranteed to identify at least 5 toys on your person - or get
your money back (ha ha, Sunday School is free!)
Trust us, after you whip out your hankie (which will double as a
blindfold, natch) your date will never know what you're really
using. And because this is a class all about cheap thrills, we'll
even have super cool take home prizes.
And we'll be eating FREE homemade lasagna (and salad, and bread,
hooray!) after School. Join the women of FIST for one dollar beers
and social time directly after classall the way until 9pm!
More info? Pictures, you say? Join our yahoogroup, why dontcha?
PLEASE NOTE: Sunday School is a safe and friendly place for
dykes and transpeople to learn about various skills and
practices within the leatherdyke community. There is NEVER a
requirement for workshop attendees to participate in workshop
activities or demonstrations; this is a pressure-free and
expectation-free environment. We welcome newbies, experts,
the curious, and folks in between.
Sunday School is a DC Eagle Dyke Night Production.
Here are some Sunday School questions and answers:
Do I have to be into S&M to come to a workshop?
Nope. You DO have to be 21 or over, though. Bring your ID! The
DC Eagle is a leather bar and lots of the female patrons are
leatherdykes. It is also a friendly atmosphere for dykes of all
shapes, colors, and sizes...and nobody will expect or require that
you be into anything perverted. Although it's a bonus in many
circles there
Who can come to Sunday School?
Sunday School is a safe place for women and transpeople to
attend BDSM focused workshops. We have hot femmes, packing
butches, and folks that identify as neither or both. For all you
gay boys and non-trans men, we suggest classes given by the
DC Boys of Leather (www.dcboysofleather.org) , Black Rose
(www.br.com), or The Crucible (www.the-crucible.com).
I'm scared to go alone. How do I find a friend to go with me?
That's easy! Join our new yahoogroup and introduce yourself
and ask to meet people. We really are a friendly lot.
Why are you doing this?
We want more opportunities for dykes to get laid in this town!
Seriously, though, we think it's important that there is a
perv-positive place for us to gather, socialize, cruise and/or make
new friends. Besides which, the DC Eagle is totally committed to
providing a safe and fun place for us to hang out and meet each
Can I wear my favorite sneakers/shiny outfit/perfume/cologne to
Sunday School?
While we encourage leather, of course, it's not required; the DC
Eagle is a comfortable place to be yourself. Jeans are great! But
want to make sure that folks with environmental illnesses can
attend class too, and we appreciate your understanding.
What's with the shoe thing?
The policy at the DC Eagle is NO FLIP FLOPS and no sandals
without a heel strap. We'd hate for your sweet little tootsies to
squished by some big stompy boots (it has happened,
unfortunately, hence the rule) so please make sure you have
appropriate footwear when you visit.
(and a special note to all high-heel lovin' femmes out there, we
want your precious feet to be safe so when you wear the
stilettos, please make sure that your shoe has a strap and
covers your heel, m'kay?)
Household Pervertibles. SUNDAY SCHOOL. Mar 13. DC EAGLE.
Sunday, March 13
Doors at 4pm, School at 4:30
639 New York Avenue NW
(one block from the Mount Vernon Metro station)
So you meet the superhottie. This one is smokin', and I ain't
talking cigarettes, baby. You (or she, or he) might even be sorta
new to this spanky spanky business, but godDAM you want this one,
Wait a second.
Do you live with your mom?
Maybe the airlines lost your precious sex toy bag?
I suppose your dungeon is being remodeled?
So you're a little poor these days and can't afford that sweeeeet
deerskin flogger?
Hottie is NOT coming to your house `cause eiwwwwdid your dog did a
big no-no on your carpet?
Brr! It's cold as hell and heyy...that bar bathroom is kinda big.
Or just face it, you just HATE to take out the recycling...
Whatever. We're talking about learning how to use regular household
items for big, naughty and yeah, seriously perverted fun.
Please join the us in our classroom at the DC Eagle for Sunday
School's latest workshop...
CHEAP THRILLS Household Pervertibles (and how to use them!)
Also known as "BDSM on a Budget," this class is guaranteed to show
you, yes you, at least five things you already own that can be used
on the biggest organ of the human body...skin.
- You'll enjoy going to the dentist for the free dental floss when
you learn to do dental floss bondage!
- Q-tips aren't actually supposed to go into the ear canal, but they
never said anything about the...
- Guaranteed to identify at least 5 toys on your person - or get
your money back (ha ha, Sunday School is free!)
Trust us, after you whip out your hankie (which will double as a
blindfold, natch) your date will never know what you're really
using. And because this is a class all about cheap thrills, we'll
even have super cool take home prizes.
And we'll be eating FREE homemade lasagna (and salad, and bread,
hooray!) after School. Join the women of FIST for one dollar beers
and social time directly after classall the way until 9pm!
More info? Pictures, you say? Join our yahoogroup, why dontcha?
PLEASE NOTE: Sunday School is a safe and friendly place for
dykes and transpeople to learn about various skills and
practices within the leatherdyke community. There is NEVER a
requirement for workshop attendees to participate in workshop
activities or demonstrations; this is a pressure-free and
expectation-free environment. We welcome newbies, experts,
the curious, and folks in between.
Sunday School is a DC Eagle Dyke Night Production.
Here are some Sunday School questions and answers:
Do I have to be into S&M to come to a workshop?
Nope. You DO have to be 21 or over, though. Bring your ID! The
DC Eagle is a leather bar and lots of the female patrons are
leatherdykes. It is also a friendly atmosphere for dykes of all
shapes, colors, and sizes...and nobody will expect or require that
you be into anything perverted. Although it's a bonus in many
circles there

Who can come to Sunday School?
Sunday School is a safe place for women and transpeople to
attend BDSM focused workshops. We have hot femmes, packing
butches, and folks that identify as neither or both. For all you
gay boys and non-trans men, we suggest classes given by the
DC Boys of Leather (www.dcboysofleather.org) , Black Rose
(www.br.com), or The Crucible (www.the-crucible.com).
I'm scared to go alone. How do I find a friend to go with me?
That's easy! Join our new yahoogroup and introduce yourself
and ask to meet people. We really are a friendly lot.

Why are you doing this?
We want more opportunities for dykes to get laid in this town!
Seriously, though, we think it's important that there is a
perv-positive place for us to gather, socialize, cruise and/or make
new friends. Besides which, the DC Eagle is totally committed to
providing a safe and fun place for us to hang out and meet each
Can I wear my favorite sneakers/shiny outfit/perfume/cologne to
Sunday School?
While we encourage leather, of course, it's not required; the DC
Eagle is a comfortable place to be yourself. Jeans are great! But
want to make sure that folks with environmental illnesses can
attend class too, and we appreciate your understanding.
What's with the shoe thing?
The policy at the DC Eagle is NO FLIP FLOPS and no sandals
without a heel strap. We'd hate for your sweet little tootsies to
squished by some big stompy boots (it has happened,
unfortunately, hence the rule) so please make sure you have
appropriate footwear when you visit.
(and a special note to all high-heel lovin' femmes out there, we
want your precious feet to be safe so when you wear the
stilettos, please make sure that your shoe has a strap and
covers your heel, m'kay?)