I haven't been on in forever! Ack. Okay - tomorrow is SUNDAY SCHOOL for Dykes and (F to M transguys)
but guys can hang out in the main bar while the women learn to spank ass! It is bar night for some of the regular leather clubs.
Dyke Nighters and Sunday Schoolers...
Cover your heinies, all you fabulous DYKES and TRANSGUYS.
Two more days.
The DC Eagle's Dyke Night Productions is proud to announce
the latest Sunday School offering
SMACKASS! Brought to you by the delightful duo of Peggy Sue
and Schelli!
Hey! Bring your booty, (oh hell yeah I said booty,) or bum, ass,
butt, (whatever!) to the DC Eagle THIS SUNDAY to ponder the
fabulously naughty details of spanking and butt kicking. There
will be hands. And paddles. And giggling, what, you didn't know
that it can be damned funny, the ass whacking? Rumor has it
that there will even be more advanced implements of booty
smacking present at this painfully wonderful workshop. Okay, so
it's not a rumor. Excellent!
You'll learn about how to spank safely. How to relax and enjoy,
mmmm how to lean back and take a delicious series of fanny
smacks. What a basic spank can containas well as what it
should not. You'll see a different variety of toys and tools, as
as how to dish it out using nothing but five sweet little fingers
and that rosy palm of yours. Whether you're interested in giving,
getting or just sitting quietly and watching the ass whacking
action, you are definitely welcome at Sunday School!
Peggy Sue and Schelli, your friendly neighborhood Dyke Night
promoters, think there should be more leather resources for
dykes and transguys in this area. And oh yeah, both are both
extremely interested (and experienced, did I mention
experienced?) in the art of ass whuppin'. Combine two slightly
irreverent promoters + butt smacking expertise with a desire to
share (because after all, sharing IS caring) and SMACKASS! was
Here's our standard hot graphicif the pic doesn't show, see
Sunday, Dec. 12 Doors at 4, class at 4:30
639 New York Avenue NW
PLEASE NOTE: Sunday School is a safe and friendly place for
dykes and transguys to learn about various skills and practices
within the leatherdyke community. There is NEVER a
requirement for workshop attendees to participate in workshop
activities or demonstrations; this is a pressure-free and
expectation-free environment. We welcome newbies, experts,
the curious, and folks in between.
Sunday School is a DC Eagle Dyke Night Production. Some
questions about Dyke Night:
Do I have to be into S&M to go?
Nope. You DO have to be 21 or over, though. The DC Eagle is a
leather bar and lots of the female patrons are leatherdykes. It is
also a friendly atmosphere for dykes of all shapes, colors, and
sizes...and nobody will expect or require that you be into anything
perverted. Although it's a bonus in many circles there
I'm scared to go alone. How do I find a friend to go with me?
That's easy! Join our new yahoogroup and introduce yourself
and ask to meet people. We really are a friendly lot.
Why are you doing this?
We want more opportunities for dykes to get laid in this town!
Seriously, though, we think it's important that there is a
perv-positive place for us to gather, socialize, cruise and/or make
new friends. Besides which, the DC Eagle is totally committed to
providing a safe and fun place for us to hang out and meet each
Are there a lot of butches/femmes/weirdos/normies/whatevers
Yes! There are lots of hot femmes, packing butches, and folks
that identify as neither or both... ...including our trans and
non-trans male supporters. Dyke Night welcomes you!
What's with the shoe thing?
The policy at the DC Eagle is NO FLIP FLOPS and no sandals
without a heel strap. We'd hate for your sweet little tootsies to get
squished by some big stompy boots (it has happened,
unfortunately, hence the rule) so please make sure you have
appropriate footwear when you visit.
(and a special note to all high-heel lovin' femmes out there, we
want your precious feet to be safe so when you wear the
stilettos, please make sure that your shoe has a strap and
covers your heel, m'kay?)
Yahoo! Groups Links
To visit your group on the web, go to:
but guys can hang out in the main bar while the women learn to spank ass! It is bar night for some of the regular leather clubs.
Dyke Nighters and Sunday Schoolers...
Cover your heinies, all you fabulous DYKES and TRANSGUYS.
Two more days.
The DC Eagle's Dyke Night Productions is proud to announce
the latest Sunday School offering
SMACKASS! Brought to you by the delightful duo of Peggy Sue
and Schelli!
Hey! Bring your booty, (oh hell yeah I said booty,) or bum, ass,
butt, (whatever!) to the DC Eagle THIS SUNDAY to ponder the
fabulously naughty details of spanking and butt kicking. There
will be hands. And paddles. And giggling, what, you didn't know
that it can be damned funny, the ass whacking? Rumor has it
that there will even be more advanced implements of booty
smacking present at this painfully wonderful workshop. Okay, so
it's not a rumor. Excellent!
You'll learn about how to spank safely. How to relax and enjoy,
mmmm how to lean back and take a delicious series of fanny
smacks. What a basic spank can containas well as what it
should not. You'll see a different variety of toys and tools, as
as how to dish it out using nothing but five sweet little fingers
and that rosy palm of yours. Whether you're interested in giving,
getting or just sitting quietly and watching the ass whacking
action, you are definitely welcome at Sunday School!
Peggy Sue and Schelli, your friendly neighborhood Dyke Night
promoters, think there should be more leather resources for
dykes and transguys in this area. And oh yeah, both are both
extremely interested (and experienced, did I mention
experienced?) in the art of ass whuppin'. Combine two slightly
irreverent promoters + butt smacking expertise with a desire to
share (because after all, sharing IS caring) and SMACKASS! was
Here's our standard hot graphicif the pic doesn't show, see

Sunday, Dec. 12 Doors at 4, class at 4:30
639 New York Avenue NW
PLEASE NOTE: Sunday School is a safe and friendly place for
dykes and transguys to learn about various skills and practices
within the leatherdyke community. There is NEVER a
requirement for workshop attendees to participate in workshop
activities or demonstrations; this is a pressure-free and
expectation-free environment. We welcome newbies, experts,
the curious, and folks in between.
Sunday School is a DC Eagle Dyke Night Production. Some
questions about Dyke Night:
Do I have to be into S&M to go?
Nope. You DO have to be 21 or over, though. The DC Eagle is a
leather bar and lots of the female patrons are leatherdykes. It is
also a friendly atmosphere for dykes of all shapes, colors, and
sizes...and nobody will expect or require that you be into anything
perverted. Although it's a bonus in many circles there

I'm scared to go alone. How do I find a friend to go with me?
That's easy! Join our new yahoogroup and introduce yourself
and ask to meet people. We really are a friendly lot.

Why are you doing this?
We want more opportunities for dykes to get laid in this town!
Seriously, though, we think it's important that there is a
perv-positive place for us to gather, socialize, cruise and/or make
new friends. Besides which, the DC Eagle is totally committed to
providing a safe and fun place for us to hang out and meet each
Are there a lot of butches/femmes/weirdos/normies/whatevers
Yes! There are lots of hot femmes, packing butches, and folks
that identify as neither or both... ...including our trans and
non-trans male supporters. Dyke Night welcomes you!
What's with the shoe thing?
The policy at the DC Eagle is NO FLIP FLOPS and no sandals
without a heel strap. We'd hate for your sweet little tootsies to get
squished by some big stompy boots (it has happened,
unfortunately, hence the rule) so please make sure you have
appropriate footwear when you visit.
(and a special note to all high-heel lovin' femmes out there, we
want your precious feet to be safe so when you wear the
stilettos, please make sure that your shoe has a strap and
covers your heel, m'kay?)
Yahoo! Groups Links
To visit your group on the web, go to:
I wanna come to one of your parties just to look ... Is that allowed?