Miscellaneous ramblings.....
I need a landscaper in DC who does edible landscaping only. I can't find one.
I also need a good tattoo artist referral withint 100+/- miles or 2 hours by train/auto of DC for my g/f (hardline black tribal) that would be Philly to Richmond and points in between. She is African American, a dyke, butch, and of non-traditional and/or non mainstream religious/alternative spiritual persuation - so please only refer me names of artists who would be okay with someone identifying/presenting as such.
Okay, I just watched the movie/mini series "Tipping the Velvet". It's old, I know. It was a book too. It was on BBC originally. But I never saw it - how, I don't know. WOW. And on BBC. If you haven't seen it - well you should. I think I will have to get the book. It's about dykes and gender queer folks in the Victorian era - complete with strap-ons, rent bois, and uniforms!
I stayed home for Halloween - had too much vino the evening before and already had a headache.
Been decorating still. Found drapery for the 7 windows in the living/dining area - still have to do th 5 in the kitchen area - and put blinds on ALL of them too - damn that is going to be about $1200 for the blinds alone if I hange them myself (good thing I'm handy that way) and the drapes so far are about $100 a window too (plus tax and my own labor - again - who has time?) - not including hardware which I haven't decided on yet - another $300 minimum. And I have only got two more floors of windows that is over 10 more per floor! What ever was I thinking that all the light and a loft like house would be so cool? Quality window coverings cost as much as furniture almost! And I still have to furnish a guest room and a basement/rec room! Why did I sell my furniture before I moved. Oh, yes, I wanted NEW! My two new leather chairs finally arrive and I have the 12 prints being framed for the stair and long hall opposite the one side of windows! Fuck me! I am going to have to ho myself out soon too - so make that fuck me for pay! LOL. But, I will be oh, so happy when it is just so (which it NEVER is)! By the time it is done, I have to start over. Either that or I will be moving again.
I still haven't heard on the jobs I interviewed for - one they just finished interviews last week so it won't be another week or two for them to get approval on anyone who might have been selected and who knows they may decide another round of interviews - government is so slow. I have a few more to apply for coming up - but they haven't posted yet.
I am doing Thanksgiving at the house again this year- orphans! I cook entirely out of Sunset magazine. I have been doing this for about 10 years in a row now. I love it. No family (my brother has come when I lived in Portland - but he is hardly like family - I'd hang with him even if he wasn't b/c he is cool). I do the same for Christmas - but usually cook a leg of lamb and have people bring a side/desert/etc. Thanksgiving though I cook the entire meal and it is exquisit if I don't say so myself. I will allow people to bring snacks and beverages. I love entertaining - cooking, etc.!
Okay I am so totally boring people describing my Susie homemaker proclivities - I'm a Diva though! LOL
I need a landscaper in DC who does edible landscaping only. I can't find one.
I also need a good tattoo artist referral withint 100+/- miles or 2 hours by train/auto of DC for my g/f (hardline black tribal) that would be Philly to Richmond and points in between. She is African American, a dyke, butch, and of non-traditional and/or non mainstream religious/alternative spiritual persuation - so please only refer me names of artists who would be okay with someone identifying/presenting as such.
Okay, I just watched the movie/mini series "Tipping the Velvet". It's old, I know. It was a book too. It was on BBC originally. But I never saw it - how, I don't know. WOW. And on BBC. If you haven't seen it - well you should. I think I will have to get the book. It's about dykes and gender queer folks in the Victorian era - complete with strap-ons, rent bois, and uniforms!
I stayed home for Halloween - had too much vino the evening before and already had a headache.
Been decorating still. Found drapery for the 7 windows in the living/dining area - still have to do th 5 in the kitchen area - and put blinds on ALL of them too - damn that is going to be about $1200 for the blinds alone if I hange them myself (good thing I'm handy that way) and the drapes so far are about $100 a window too (plus tax and my own labor - again - who has time?) - not including hardware which I haven't decided on yet - another $300 minimum. And I have only got two more floors of windows that is over 10 more per floor! What ever was I thinking that all the light and a loft like house would be so cool? Quality window coverings cost as much as furniture almost! And I still have to furnish a guest room and a basement/rec room! Why did I sell my furniture before I moved. Oh, yes, I wanted NEW! My two new leather chairs finally arrive and I have the 12 prints being framed for the stair and long hall opposite the one side of windows! Fuck me! I am going to have to ho myself out soon too - so make that fuck me for pay! LOL. But, I will be oh, so happy when it is just so (which it NEVER is)! By the time it is done, I have to start over. Either that or I will be moving again.
I still haven't heard on the jobs I interviewed for - one they just finished interviews last week so it won't be another week or two for them to get approval on anyone who might have been selected and who knows they may decide another round of interviews - government is so slow. I have a few more to apply for coming up - but they haven't posted yet.
I am doing Thanksgiving at the house again this year- orphans! I cook entirely out of Sunset magazine. I have been doing this for about 10 years in a row now. I love it. No family (my brother has come when I lived in Portland - but he is hardly like family - I'd hang with him even if he wasn't b/c he is cool). I do the same for Christmas - but usually cook a leg of lamb and have people bring a side/desert/etc. Thanksgiving though I cook the entire meal and it is exquisit if I don't say so myself. I will allow people to bring snacks and beverages. I love entertaining - cooking, etc.!
Okay I am so totally boring people describing my Susie homemaker proclivities - I'm a Diva though! LOL
EDIT here. See your e-mail
[Edited on Nov 02, 2004 9:33AM]
Sorry to hear i wont be meeting you at BR - i hadnt heard about last year's drama - but i totally understand your reasons for not going - good things always go bad that way which is so terribly unfortunate.
i know of a lot of good tattoo artists here in philly - none that specifically focus on tribal though - but i'll be happy to ask around for you if you'd like.
Thanksgiving at your house sounds like a blast - yummy yummy sunset magazine recipes! if you need a recipe for banana bread i've got one that is the BEST.
good luck on the job search - i was a recruiter for a law firm before i decided to make my living on kink - i know how hard it can be to find a job, how drawn out interview processes can be, and how maddening it can be for applicants... hang in there.