It's coming up on a three day weekend - yeah. Columbus Day or some damn shit. Out West we never had Columbus Day off - probably because there are still Native persons (I can't say Americans since Hawaiins were not on the American continent and I don't believe Inuits in Alaska consider themselves "American" either) living in large numbers in the States. Kind of interesting that they open the American "Indian" (another word not in popular use out West) Museum so close to this monumentus day (of course the museum has collection from North, Central and South America (or the "Americas"). Hmmm.
Anyway.....after that long run on clusterfuckofathought.....I have very mellow plans. Dinner on Friday with friends, theater in Baltimore on Saturday, a birthday party on Sunday, possibly the DC Eagle Women's Bar Night (unlikely), and other activities identified (DD'ing, "play" - even some piercing perhaps, I get to "sit in the saddle" as it were to - finally talked the butch into recieving - bwah - I can't wait!) and yet unidentified (who knows how things may turn out). Yeah! Life is great!
Anyway.....after that long run on clusterfuckofathought.....I have very mellow plans. Dinner on Friday with friends, theater in Baltimore on Saturday, a birthday party on Sunday, possibly the DC Eagle Women's Bar Night (unlikely), and other activities identified (DD'ing, "play" - even some piercing perhaps, I get to "sit in the saddle" as it were to - finally talked the butch into recieving - bwah - I can't wait!) and yet unidentified (who knows how things may turn out). Yeah! Life is great!
have a great thursday!