Elfy cuteness:

London was great last weekend. my tattoo is finished. I sat & had my lunch by the river. it was pretty fun.
I cut my hair. well I cut three square inches 'cause I was looking a bit achey-breaky.
I am sometimes amazed at how introverted I can be. my work friends were shocked I'd go to London by myself. I guess it is pretty weird as most people I know won't even go to a nightclub by themselves (unless they are meeting somebody). one of my friends was saying she spends an hour getting ready even if she is just going to the shops down the road 'cause she wants people to see her looking her best. I thought it was weird... but maybe it's pretty normal. I always thought normal was putting a hoodie on over your pyjamas & a beanie hat over your bedhead.
someone leant me David Hasselhoff's biography - it's so (unintentionally) funny. I love his quote about Princess Diana; Some people are too beautiful for this life. it's so cringe-inducingly good.
now if loving the Hoff isn't normal, I don't know what is.

London was great last weekend. my tattoo is finished. I sat & had my lunch by the river. it was pretty fun.
I cut my hair. well I cut three square inches 'cause I was looking a bit achey-breaky.
I am sometimes amazed at how introverted I can be. my work friends were shocked I'd go to London by myself. I guess it is pretty weird as most people I know won't even go to a nightclub by themselves (unless they are meeting somebody). one of my friends was saying she spends an hour getting ready even if she is just going to the shops down the road 'cause she wants people to see her looking her best. I thought it was weird... but maybe it's pretty normal. I always thought normal was putting a hoodie on over your pyjamas & a beanie hat over your bedhead.
someone leant me David Hasselhoff's biography - it's so (unintentionally) funny. I love his quote about Princess Diana; Some people are too beautiful for this life. it's so cringe-inducingly good.
now if loving the Hoff isn't normal, I don't know what is.
And where are pics of this new tattoo huh?