I find it quite amusing that one side of my life is really good & the other side is shit.
bad my parents divorce good my relationship
bad my crazy colleague good my supervisor offering me a permanent position
bad my teeth problems good my lobes now being 2.4mm (well, the other is 2mm)
I could go on, but my right ear is singing. I meant to buy two 2mm rings, but the shop I went to had run out so I got the other at 2.4mm (so I could swap jewellery daily).
my boyfriend is buying me SG: The First Tor from Pete Noir's shop. yay. I cannot wait to watch it tomorrow. my boyfriend was going to buy it today but he got pre-occupied with the release of a new Wii game so he forgot. boo.
gosh, the SG Magazine looks swell too.
I have a cold. but, funnily my cold has stopped my throat from hurting (or maybe it's the anti-septic lozenges).
my sister is visiting me this weekend. I think I'll treat her as I think our parents divorce is upsetting her. I had to do overtime last Sunday (some technology test - it was a complete failure) & I don't know what to do with the money. so I thought I could use it to help my sister relax.
good my sister is my bestest pal
bad my parents divorce good my relationship
bad my crazy colleague good my supervisor offering me a permanent position
bad my teeth problems good my lobes now being 2.4mm (well, the other is 2mm)
I could go on, but my right ear is singing. I meant to buy two 2mm rings, but the shop I went to had run out so I got the other at 2.4mm (so I could swap jewellery daily).
my boyfriend is buying me SG: The First Tor from Pete Noir's shop. yay. I cannot wait to watch it tomorrow. my boyfriend was going to buy it today but he got pre-occupied with the release of a new Wii game so he forgot. boo.
gosh, the SG Magazine looks swell too.
I have a cold. but, funnily my cold has stopped my throat from hurting (or maybe it's the anti-septic lozenges).
my sister is visiting me this weekend. I think I'll treat her as I think our parents divorce is upsetting her. I had to do overtime last Sunday (some technology test - it was a complete failure) & I don't know what to do with the money. so I thought I could use it to help my sister relax.
good my sister is my bestest pal
ohh thanks so much for the b day whishes sweetie!!!

heyy wow and thanks for acepting my freind thingy, i must say i really dont expet to be befreinded by many of you you young beaties but hey gota try thiese things and heck i must be the oldest on here ...lol arhhhhh he he he