facts about me. [cause its fun innit?]
1. I lived in a little seaside town called Weymouth for most of my life. I hated it. its the coastal town that they forgot to burn down. & it constantly feels like a Sunday there.
2. my sister is my best friend. Im pretty lost without her. there are some things in my life that I can only talk to her about. we speak to each-other in our own made-up language. sometimes I dont even have to tell her what Im thinking, she just knows already.
3. music is my life. I like anything that ends in wave; new wave, no wave, darkwave, coldwave, surfwave... I make up my own waves, I think. Id say I spend at least 25% of my teenager years listening to grunge/punk/indie. I have Teenage Kicks written on my 1994 diary cause I first heard that famous track on the radio & it pretty much summed up what I thought of music. I also had Do Anything You What To Do & Wig Wam Bam scribbled over my diary. I listen to Do Anything You What To Do by Eddie & the HotRods whenever I feel depressed. Screamager by Therapy? makes me slamdance whenever/wherever I am. screw that forget about that!
4. my childhood dream was to be a music journalist. I just wanted to introduce the world to the incredible music that helped me through the years. or I wouldve liked to be a DJ. Im pretty certain that I could find anyone a song to fall in love with. I had piano & guitar lessons, but I guess Im just not musically inclined.
5. I went out with my first boyfriend when I was 19 years old. Id wanted a boyfriend for years but was way too shy. we pretty much fell apart when he moved to London. he seemed to think Dorset was too small-town/boring for him. he went to London to start his own business. hes blanked me the past three times Ive seen him. its no great loss.
6. a friend of mine once told me that the above-mentioned ex-boyfriend was cheating on me with a friend of hers. she also told me how I could get proof of this. to cut a long story short, I was a pawn in a really immature game. I try to disassociate myself from those type of people now.
7. I never upset a friend [no matter what theyve done to me]. in fact, Ive taken flak more than a dozen times for things I didnt do.
8. I spend a lot of the time regretting things from my past. I also spend a lot of the time worrying about things I cannot change. its my fatal flaw.
9. I worry a lot about my image. I wont go out if its a wrong-side-of-the-bed day. it may sound shallow but Im so shy that I use my looks/style to say things that Im too nervous to say. I wear my album collection on my sleeve, as it were.
10. I love seeing live bands. my favourite gigs were Skinny Puppy & Legendary Pink Dots [both in 2004]. I went to the Dark Jubilee Festival in 2002. Ive seen Sheep On Drugs twice. Ive seen loads of EBM bands. I havent seen nearly enough punk bands. I love the Bournemouth punk scene.
11. for years I wanted to move to Bristol. one of my bestest friends lives there. people criticise the place but I adore the venues/bands/people. I get excited when I am at the train station & see Bristol Temple Meads on the noticeboard. Bristol is my special place. sometimes I just want to jump on the train & go there.
12. I wish I could speak Japanese. Japan is the one country Id like to visit above all others. Im really into loads of Japanese bands & I simply adore their culture. dango dumplings look delicious too. Id go crazy on egg sushi.
13. I love food. so much. my favourite food is pineapple fritters in syrup. gosh I love it. Im a sucker for all sweet things, though.
14. My Little Pony rules. honestly, if you want my love buy me a My Little Pony thing from my amazon.co.uk wishlist.
15. I dont watch TV. it rots my brain & makes me less satisfied with my life. I have a TV but I only use it for playing games & watching DVDs. I own 10 DVDs. however, Im always renting DVDs from the world cinema selection in Blockbusters. the last DVD I rented was The Sea Is Watching & Kung Fu Hustle.
16. I work for an insurance company. I hate financial institutions, but I need a job. go figure. the insurance company I work for is a friendly society [meaning, there are no shareholders]. I wouldnt have excepted the job if there were shareholders. people how make money from doing nothing are one of my pet hates.
17. I used to work in a call centre. if I had stayed in that job I would be earning 13600 p/a now. my manager said Id get a payrise of 1000 every year. I sometimes regret not staying in the call centre cause I loved my teammates & the cash would be nice. but I absolutely hated that job with every inch of my being.
18. I now work as a customer service administrator I dont know what that means but the moneys crap & the jobs dead boring. Ive also had more aches & pains since Ive had that job. I cry when I get up.
19. I oversleep every morning [even though its a twenty minute walk to work].
20. I like garage rock bands a whole lot. theyre so raw & energetic. when I listen to them my mind instantly forgets where/when it is. I lose my sense of self.
21. I like old school horror novels. my favourite is Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde. theres a road in Bournemouth called Robert Louis Stevenson Avenue. I would like to move there one day if I can ever afford a house.
22. sometimes, society makes me sad.
23. Im a pop culture fan I dont care what people say about that.
24. I dont like writing about politics & philosophy on the internet for two reasons. the first reason is that my ideas cannot be simply conveyed in writing. the second reason is that I always get into arguments with jacked-up little ***** who all full of self-righteousness. the internet has ruined the ability to debate effectively.
25. if I ever get married, Id like a Hello Kitty wedding ring.
26. I love charity/thrift shops.
27. I worked in a charity shop for three years [as a paid employee]. during that time I had more clothes than I knew what to do with.
28. if I had more money Id love to start collecting horrorpunk LPs
29. my beauty regime consists of Montagne Jeunesse hair masks one-a-week. & Montagne Jeunesse face tonics thrice-a-week.
30. I enter competitions to win clothes/make-up twice a month.
31. I fancy a chocolate caterpillar birthday cake [when its my birthday, of course].
32. I have a thing about getting socks [for presents]. if everyone I knew gave me socks for Xmas, Id be dead chuffed.
33. Id love to have a cat as a pet. meow.
34. my favourite flowers are apple blossoms. they are such a beautiful sight.
35. I recommend Gregory Horror Show to everyone I meet. & thats a fact. see you.
36. my favourite authors are Tennessee Williams, Truman Capote & Jack Kerouac.
37. epitonic.com is my favourite site. if I had broadband Id never get off it.
38. my Yahoo ID is jimsinnette. Jimsinn is a Japanese punk fashion label.
39. Ive read each Harry Potter book 10 times each [thats my dirty secret].
40. I have this picture of Jessika stuck up on my desk at work. it keeps me sane.
1. I lived in a little seaside town called Weymouth for most of my life. I hated it. its the coastal town that they forgot to burn down. & it constantly feels like a Sunday there.
2. my sister is my best friend. Im pretty lost without her. there are some things in my life that I can only talk to her about. we speak to each-other in our own made-up language. sometimes I dont even have to tell her what Im thinking, she just knows already.
3. music is my life. I like anything that ends in wave; new wave, no wave, darkwave, coldwave, surfwave... I make up my own waves, I think. Id say I spend at least 25% of my teenager years listening to grunge/punk/indie. I have Teenage Kicks written on my 1994 diary cause I first heard that famous track on the radio & it pretty much summed up what I thought of music. I also had Do Anything You What To Do & Wig Wam Bam scribbled over my diary. I listen to Do Anything You What To Do by Eddie & the HotRods whenever I feel depressed. Screamager by Therapy? makes me slamdance whenever/wherever I am. screw that forget about that!
4. my childhood dream was to be a music journalist. I just wanted to introduce the world to the incredible music that helped me through the years. or I wouldve liked to be a DJ. Im pretty certain that I could find anyone a song to fall in love with. I had piano & guitar lessons, but I guess Im just not musically inclined.
5. I went out with my first boyfriend when I was 19 years old. Id wanted a boyfriend for years but was way too shy. we pretty much fell apart when he moved to London. he seemed to think Dorset was too small-town/boring for him. he went to London to start his own business. hes blanked me the past three times Ive seen him. its no great loss.
6. a friend of mine once told me that the above-mentioned ex-boyfriend was cheating on me with a friend of hers. she also told me how I could get proof of this. to cut a long story short, I was a pawn in a really immature game. I try to disassociate myself from those type of people now.
7. I never upset a friend [no matter what theyve done to me]. in fact, Ive taken flak more than a dozen times for things I didnt do.
8. I spend a lot of the time regretting things from my past. I also spend a lot of the time worrying about things I cannot change. its my fatal flaw.
9. I worry a lot about my image. I wont go out if its a wrong-side-of-the-bed day. it may sound shallow but Im so shy that I use my looks/style to say things that Im too nervous to say. I wear my album collection on my sleeve, as it were.
10. I love seeing live bands. my favourite gigs were Skinny Puppy & Legendary Pink Dots [both in 2004]. I went to the Dark Jubilee Festival in 2002. Ive seen Sheep On Drugs twice. Ive seen loads of EBM bands. I havent seen nearly enough punk bands. I love the Bournemouth punk scene.
11. for years I wanted to move to Bristol. one of my bestest friends lives there. people criticise the place but I adore the venues/bands/people. I get excited when I am at the train station & see Bristol Temple Meads on the noticeboard. Bristol is my special place. sometimes I just want to jump on the train & go there.
12. I wish I could speak Japanese. Japan is the one country Id like to visit above all others. Im really into loads of Japanese bands & I simply adore their culture. dango dumplings look delicious too. Id go crazy on egg sushi.
13. I love food. so much. my favourite food is pineapple fritters in syrup. gosh I love it. Im a sucker for all sweet things, though.
14. My Little Pony rules. honestly, if you want my love buy me a My Little Pony thing from my amazon.co.uk wishlist.
15. I dont watch TV. it rots my brain & makes me less satisfied with my life. I have a TV but I only use it for playing games & watching DVDs. I own 10 DVDs. however, Im always renting DVDs from the world cinema selection in Blockbusters. the last DVD I rented was The Sea Is Watching & Kung Fu Hustle.
16. I work for an insurance company. I hate financial institutions, but I need a job. go figure. the insurance company I work for is a friendly society [meaning, there are no shareholders]. I wouldnt have excepted the job if there were shareholders. people how make money from doing nothing are one of my pet hates.
17. I used to work in a call centre. if I had stayed in that job I would be earning 13600 p/a now. my manager said Id get a payrise of 1000 every year. I sometimes regret not staying in the call centre cause I loved my teammates & the cash would be nice. but I absolutely hated that job with every inch of my being.
18. I now work as a customer service administrator I dont know what that means but the moneys crap & the jobs dead boring. Ive also had more aches & pains since Ive had that job. I cry when I get up.
19. I oversleep every morning [even though its a twenty minute walk to work].
20. I like garage rock bands a whole lot. theyre so raw & energetic. when I listen to them my mind instantly forgets where/when it is. I lose my sense of self.
21. I like old school horror novels. my favourite is Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde. theres a road in Bournemouth called Robert Louis Stevenson Avenue. I would like to move there one day if I can ever afford a house.
22. sometimes, society makes me sad.
23. Im a pop culture fan I dont care what people say about that.
24. I dont like writing about politics & philosophy on the internet for two reasons. the first reason is that my ideas cannot be simply conveyed in writing. the second reason is that I always get into arguments with jacked-up little ***** who all full of self-righteousness. the internet has ruined the ability to debate effectively.
25. if I ever get married, Id like a Hello Kitty wedding ring.
26. I love charity/thrift shops.
27. I worked in a charity shop for three years [as a paid employee]. during that time I had more clothes than I knew what to do with.
28. if I had more money Id love to start collecting horrorpunk LPs
29. my beauty regime consists of Montagne Jeunesse hair masks one-a-week. & Montagne Jeunesse face tonics thrice-a-week.
30. I enter competitions to win clothes/make-up twice a month.
31. I fancy a chocolate caterpillar birthday cake [when its my birthday, of course].
32. I have a thing about getting socks [for presents]. if everyone I knew gave me socks for Xmas, Id be dead chuffed.
33. Id love to have a cat as a pet. meow.
34. my favourite flowers are apple blossoms. they are such a beautiful sight.
35. I recommend Gregory Horror Show to everyone I meet. & thats a fact. see you.
36. my favourite authors are Tennessee Williams, Truman Capote & Jack Kerouac.
37. epitonic.com is my favourite site. if I had broadband Id never get off it.
38. my Yahoo ID is jimsinnette. Jimsinn is a Japanese punk fashion label.
39. Ive read each Harry Potter book 10 times each [thats my dirty secret].
40. I have this picture of Jessika stuck up on my desk at work. it keeps me sane.
Have you seen this.

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