So today I whent on an expidition to find myself a computer table.
Backstory: I have been working on my book for the past two days and reailzed that typing while laying on my bed is hell on my neck.
after a few failed attempts at thrift store desk shopping I found myself at the ol stand by known as Wal-Mart where I found one of those easy RTA (Ready to assemble for you non woody folks.) deals that fit perfectly into my budget. So after hauling it to the front of the store (I think they have poeple for this type of thing, but shit I always do things the hard way), and paying for it I brought it home and tore it out of the box.
"Ummm,... That's allot of parts", is what I thought to myself upon removing the various planks, cardboard pieces, Nails, screws, roundy bob doohickies, Misen Masts, bells, and whisles from the suprisingly small but heavy box.
So I lit up a smoke, grabbed a diet Pepsi and got to work, fully expecting to stand up after I was finished and say to no one in particular, "This desk looks like it was built by a re-re."
It dosen't though. It looks like the picture on the box. I rule... Where's my car? Let me at it! Just me, my car, and a poorly written instruction manual and I'll turn the bastard into a 1954 Bel Air. It won't even look like a re-re built it.
In other news Mort K. Fish has finally fully passed from this world to the next. To his suprise the next world looks remarkably like a giant porceline bowl, and has a fun built in twirly ride that only makes him throw up a little.
R.I.P - Mort K Fish.
The best damned headless fish ever.
True story.

were you in the FFA in high school?
how'd you end up over in spokane? school?
the other one is...move the hell outta there as soon as you can.
well, spokane isn't the worst place in the world. you could be stuck in yakima. or rochester.
i hope for your sake, if you want to, you get the chance to move this side of the mountains. ever look at tacoma for places? there might be a few jobs out there. what exactly do you do?