Kahlua Zombie

Ok, so updatey-ness.
You know, I would update this more, but I truly wonder if anyone really reads it at all.
You would think that would be comforting... I could say anything...
Bumpertysubbery doo...
But it's just kinda allot of effort if no ones gonna see it, ya know?
Any who,
Things about me that no one will know cause no one will read this.
I love the smell of books.. seriously, when I buy a new book I fan the pages and just sink into the smell. Maybe it's a comfort thing, I have always loved reading.. but really I don't fully understand it.
I used to have a crush on the Basket case..
and from that we go into the fact that I love 80's shit. Short circuit, weird science, neverending story, cheesy music... it's great.
I can only be myself around a few freinds.. being a manager conditioned me to show as little emotion as possible. With these freinds I am able to actually be who I am, the person I used to be all the time. It kinda hurts being away from them as much as I am... I don't think they'll ever really know how much I miss them all when they are not around.. not just because they're rad but because of the person they allow me to be.

eat swamp cunt, fuck rag!! mwuahahahaahahahahahah!