I want a monkey
Someday I am going to be rich,... then I can buy a monkey.
But you can't just be regular rich if you want to own a monkey... you have to be super rich... Like so rich that it would be considered an oddity NOT to have a monkey.
See if you buy a monkey when you are just regular rich then your regular rich friends are all like....
"By jove Reginald, (cause if I were rich my name would be Reginald) Why ever do you have a monkey?"
And I would be all, "Because I loves me some monkey... in a completely platonic and non monkey lovin kinda way."
and he would be all, "My dear reginald,.. you do realize we are not nearly rich enough to own a monkey do you not?"
So yeah,.. I need to be obsenely rich...
So I can buy and evil monkey.

Someday I am going to be rich,... then I can buy a monkey.

But you can't just be regular rich if you want to own a monkey... you have to be super rich... Like so rich that it would be considered an oddity NOT to have a monkey.

See if you buy a monkey when you are just regular rich then your regular rich friends are all like....
"By jove Reginald, (cause if I were rich my name would be Reginald) Why ever do you have a monkey?"

And I would be all, "Because I loves me some monkey... in a completely platonic and non monkey lovin kinda way."

and he would be all, "My dear reginald,.. you do realize we are not nearly rich enough to own a monkey do you not?"
So yeah,.. I need to be obsenely rich...
So I can buy and evil monkey.

my ankles reeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaally fucked up from when i smacked it with your car door. what does your car door have against me???