You know what? I feel pretty damn good right now.
Do I have my problems? Sure, but you know what, in the large scheme of things there all very small. Like little bee's flying around trying to sting me...
but you know what?
Fuck bee's...
they're for peasents..
I enjoy my life... Would I like to find a great girl? Sure, but I enjoy being single... and I am tired of being bitter. I have always been a hopeless romantic... I don't know when this whole bitter heartless ass hat thing came over me. Someday I will find someone who appreciates the weird shit I do... For now?
Fuck bitter...
Bitter is for peasents.
Would I like to have a better job? Sure, something cool. Like motorcycle astronaught... or whatever, but you know what? My bills are paid, and I have money left over to rent a camera for photoshoots... so it's just a matter of time.
Fuck cool jobs....
cool jobs are for peasents.
But most of all,...
Fuck bee's...
Stupid bee's.
Do I have my problems? Sure, but you know what, in the large scheme of things there all very small. Like little bee's flying around trying to sting me...
but you know what?
Fuck bee's...
they're for peasents..
I enjoy my life... Would I like to find a great girl? Sure, but I enjoy being single... and I am tired of being bitter. I have always been a hopeless romantic... I don't know when this whole bitter heartless ass hat thing came over me. Someday I will find someone who appreciates the weird shit I do... For now?
Fuck bitter...
Bitter is for peasents.
Would I like to have a better job? Sure, something cool. Like motorcycle astronaught... or whatever, but you know what? My bills are paid, and I have money left over to rent a camera for photoshoots... so it's just a matter of time.
Fuck cool jobs....
cool jobs are for peasents.
But most of all,...
Fuck bee's...
Stupid bee's.
Smiles , all smiles here.
Love the watercolor you did of me!!
Awesome awesome!!
Let me know if I can get a print.